The meek shall inherit the earth.
What EXACTLY do you think this means???
I was thinking about that line in the bible. I know what the “literal JW” meaning is, but what do you think it means?
Even the word “literal” can take on various meanings. And if you think about it, using the word “literal” to conclude it means, to physically live on the earth in peace and prosperity, could even be questioned in regards to the definition of the word “Inherit”
Inherit means something is passed down too of left too usually upon the death of someone else. Correct?
OR, it could mean a place of “transfer”
This may sound way out in left field or just a blond thing, but…why couldn’t the word as used or translated in the bible carry a different meaning such as say, death?
If someone used that term “NOW” while speaking to another, they could literally be telling him or her they intend to kill them. Lol!
But seriously, the word or term “inherit” as used in the bible could also simply mean die, in reference to meek people. When we die we inherit the earth don’t we? Maybe it means meek people die young. ??? I'm not sayng that I believe exactly "that" but just trying to jumpstart a variety of explinations in hope of getting response from everyone who has any thoughts about it regardless of how "different" they might think it would be.
Anyway, What do YOU think it means?