IMO--- I think that the only ones with a promise for a heavenly existence where the apostles at the time of the sermon on the mount episodes . Jesus was ratifying the old testament promise that those who listened to his voice might not be destroyed on judgement day but be resurected in a paradise earth . True it hasn't happened yet but that doesn't mean it couldn't .
"The meek shall inherit the earth"
by plmkrzy 30 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
The geeks shall inherit????
I think the word earth is sometimes rendered land...Ps 37:11
I have taken the term to mean the meek or rightous were given gods protection and blessings which also included lands, possesions, prosperity and peace when they followed his commands.
Its the promise of many blessings if you heed my command, be meek and listen to me and I'll bless you.
For the meek to inherit the earth and live to times indefinite could also mean not one individual to live forever but for there to be meek people on the earth forever.
King David and also King Josiah said these words to the people living in their day and they all died..... They did enjoy peace, prosperity and land though for extended periods of time during both reigns.
Just my 2 cents
It means the wicked won't inherit the earth.
After the wicked are destroyed the meek will take over.
Why does it have to be so complicated.
Read Ps 37:10,11 (old favorite door-to-door scripture)
I've been out of the organization for many years now. But the official explanation of who the "meek" were that would inherit the earth was not the "other sheep." The Watchtower reasoning at that time was that the "annointed" would rule as "kings and priests" over earth. So, they would be the ones to "inherit" the earth.
I always found it strange that while this was the official view of the time, we were still encouraged to use the scripture "the meek shall inherit the earth" out in service to show "people of good will" that they could share this prospect and live forever on earth in a paradise.
Has the Watchtower changed this view in recent years?
I first came across this passage in Ps. 37:11. As far as I know no one from that period is still walking upon the surface of the earth. So either I must conclude that there were no meek in the Old Testament or this doesn't mean that people will live on the earth forever. Moreover, Jesus reiterates these words in the New Testament at Mt. 5:5. Now, neither Jesus nor any of the Apostles, nor Mary, nor any of the New Testament characters, nor early Christians, Middle Ages Christians, nor modern Christians have yet lived on the earth forever. Have there never been any meek if this means that they will live on the earth forever? Now if this is some type of future promise of being resurrected to earth and then they will live forever--all I can say is that some have been in their graves for a mighty long time and are still awaiting their inheritance. But since they are not conscious I guess they don't really miss it.
Little Toe mentioned something interesting. The Greek word for meek (praus, I believe) implied restrained power. Not that they were weak but they were humbled or wise enough to control their power. I love the idea that those who would most wisely use their skills would refrain from doing so unless necessary. I suppose that's one of the more beautiful ideas in the bible. If only it were true..
ignorance is strength
Inasmuch as poverty is a state of humble subjection, the "poor in spirit", come near to the "meek", the subject of the second blessing. The anawim, they who humbly and meekly bend themselves down before God and man, shall "inherit the land" and posses their inheritance in peace. This is a phrase taken from Ps. xxxvi (Hebr., xxxvii), 11, where it refers to the Promised Land of Israel, but here in the words of Christ, it is of course but a symbol of the Kingdom of Heaven, the spiritual realm of the Messiah. Not a few interpreters, however, understand "the earth". But they overlook the original meaning of Ps. xxxvi, 11, and unless, by a far-fetched expedient, they take the earth also to be a symbol of the Messianic kingdom, it will be hard to explain the possession of the earth in a satisfactory way.
Interesting thoughts, I gotta address only a couple at a time my a.d.d. runs too much interferance. lol!
For the meek to inherit the earth and live to times indefinite could also mean not one individual to live forever but for there to be meek people on the earth forever
I considered that as an explanation as well but kept coming up with too many loopholes in it to feel satisfied. Example: what would be the point in Jesus telling anybody anything at all about the future of mankind if only a few apostles living in that era would benefit from knowing? Plus the benefit would only amount to not much more then a peace of mind. Kind of like saying, “Hey dude don’t sweat the small stuff”. Not to mention where it leaves the rest of us throughout the remainder of our history. All we are doing is reading about something that we will have no part of. When the time arrives and there is peace on earth and meek people running things, what will we be? Something nameless, sitting on shelves in libraries, waiting to be checked out by meek people who want to read about the end times?
It sounds logical that the meaning would be in reference to simply future times but I can’t get past the idea of why we need to know “that much” about it if we won’t be there.
King David and also King Josiah said these words to the people living in their day and they all died..... They did enjoy peace, prosperity and land though for extended periods of time during both reigns.
This is true but then wouldn’t that also mean the book of Revelations has been completed since before their lives ended? Which would mean that some of them would now be those meek ones who have inherited the earth and are now in rule in heaven with Christ?
We are nothing more then intelligent dinosaurs! L Waiting to be the next source of fuel.
Has the Watchtower changed this view in recent years?
To the best of my recollection, the consensus was (round about 1995 or) that no one would actually inherit anything until the end of Christ’s reign in heaven, along with his fellow kings (or bride). Then who ever were left on earth at that time would be the ones to inherit.
That’s another subject that seemed a bit cloudy to me as far as the WT explanation/definition of kings ruling with Christ. “Bride” “Kings” “Rule” just doesn’t add up as far as “human” relations go. Why would the term “Bride” be used to describe a class of Kings? Unless the interpretation or translations in the Bible have been “mistranslated” all along? “Woman” = ”Bride” “Christ” = “King” “Bride” = “Other kings” side by side and complimentary of one another not in a subjective (lower level) but yet in a subjective = one completes the other level.
Little Toe mentioned
implied restrained power. Not that they were weak but they were humbled or wise enough to control their power
That also reinforces the term subjection = completion rather then “lower” or lording over idea. If there were power among many without humility among “all”, then there would always be some form of chaos or in the very least something unbalanced, thus “not perfect
I'm afraid Jesus is going to have to come back and speak more clearly if he wants me to believe.
Thanks for stating that, H. If belief in the Bible was so hypercritical to our "salvation", then why is it so difficult to understand? I like my "orders" stated clearly, thank you very much.