"The meek shall inherit the earth"
by plmkrzy 30 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Smack's all your fault!
Sorry PalmK I'm late on this but
yes what means meek ? in this context = are they (I would even go farest on this)
- followers (culte)
- or lovers (heart)
I heard your question but I can't answer the way you ask for. but I wanted to answer this ;
I didn't wonder myself the way you did, just because I don't believe in the bible anymore (too much incoherences) so to me, it can have a litteral sens) we may become ALL meek one day (THIS IS A DREAM) and IF EVEROBY is meek WE WILL BE ABLE TO INHERIT THE EARTH (all together - SAVE IT)
hope you'll find your answers one day
I've read some books from David Reed and he explains this verse pretty good. The psalm is not predicting a future time when God will remove the wicked and give control to the just. The psalmist was telling the Israelites what they could expect to see in their own lifetime, that good men would prosper under God's blessing. For example, in verses 25 and 37 he is talking in present times and events happening in his own lifetime. The psalm contains no indication that it should be taken as a prophetic statement about the end of the world, but of the immediate benefits of good conduct. -(Paraphrased from Jehovah Witnesses Answered Verse by Verse). Thanks to alleymom for the information.
This looks to me like a loooooooong range promise that, when God reigns is complete, those who ruled by might will be replaced with those who trusted in God. It's kind of like giving encouragement not to give up.
I see plenty of application for this verse in my life! Basically: Hang in there! God is guaranteeing All Will Be Well. That's how my heart interprets it.
The Psalms 37 passage is simply expressing standard Jewish theology that promises reward of land and prosperity for pleasing YHWH. Hundreds of verses mirror this sentiment. It is only our JW indoctrination that seeks to isolate the verse as a prophecy.
The Matt 5:5 is not a quote of Psalm 37 but the sentiment is the same. The Jewish faction of Christianity left many such archaic Judaisms in the NT that now appear out of place with the Gentile spin that other NT authors/editors endorsed. For another example, the story has Jesus' closest followers awaiting a restoration of Jewish independence after years of association with him. This illustrates the Jewish adgenda of early layers of the Jesus story that was later (or simultaneously as proposed by Earl Doherty and others) distorted into a mystery cult that promised metaphysical "salvation" to all believers, Jewish and Gentile.
The Beatitudes themselves as a whole have been persuasively suggested to be emulations of an Egyptian text in the "Book of the Dead" (aka:Book of Coming and Going) with a Jewish polish. -
This illustrates the Jewish adgenda of early layers of the Jesus story that was later (or simultaneously as proposed by Earl Doherty and others) distorted into a mystery cult that promised metaphysical "salvation" to all believers, Jewish and Gentile.
The Beatitudes themselves as a whole have been persuasively suggested to be emulations of an Egyptian text in the "Book of the Dead" (aka:Book of Coming and Going) with a Jewish polish.Wanna know what I think? I think your of the devil and you made that stuff up and it's just a bunch of bible haters you learned it from. Nobody on this earth has ever thought that the good would conquer and recieve rewards accept gods people and you know that! You should be ashamed of credit to heathens like that!
"The meek shall inherit the earth."
I read a great bumpersticker that said: "The meek are contesting the will."
Or how about this one: "The meek shall inherit the earth. But will they want it?"
But will they want it?"
Anywhere but California.