The greatest of love and peace to you... and my apology for not responding sooner!
Actually, I HAD responded, but my fingers hit some stoopid key and I wiped it all out. I was SO exasperated... that I just moved on to another thread Had to "cool down" and get my mind back on the questions you raised. (And can you tell that my emoticons now "work" and that I like them VERY much? Okay, enough - LOLOL!)'
Now, then... (yeah, I had to use one more - LOLOLOLOL!)
First, I am feeling MUCH better, thank you! The "flu" I think. I am taking it easy. Took Friday off to "take care of myself." Boss thought it a good idea... Moving on to your questions:
1. Regarding those under the altar you wrote: "They are simply resting, awaiting resurrection... in WHITE ROBES."
Are you saying that they are already in white robes, or are awaiting a resurrection into white robes?
I am saying what Revelation 6:11 says, that they have already been "made perfect"... given their white robes... but told to rest awhile longer. So, they are not dead... but simply asleep.
Hebrews 12:23; 1 Corinthians 15:46, 47, 51, 53, 54
What I saw was not men in the flesh... but the spirits of such ones. Contrastly, in the world of the dead I did NOT see spirits... but merely bones (ga-zillions of them!)... with just a minute amount of "spirit" in them. Not even enough to call them "living."
2. Further, what of those who existed before our Lord walked the earth? Do they rest under the altar, too?
If they "belonged" to our Lord... and thus are of the "living"... then yes, as it is the "spiritual LIVES" of such ones that is there. This would include Abraham, Isaac and Jacob...
Matthew 22:32; Hebrews 12:23
I may have misunderstood those aspects of your comments, hence the appeal for clarification.
No problem!
Btw, I don't recall your comments on the judging. Do you have the link handy?
Oh, Lordy, no, dear LT! Truly, I don't keep track of this stuff. I post it... and move on. I can tell you here again, briefly, if you wish (well, maybe not briefly - you know me - LOLOLOL!).
To explain the Judgment, I will have to explain the resurrections:
First Resurrection -
Includes those who belong to the Christ, who are to rule with him 1,000 years. These are judged by means of the blood, and thus, have no condemnation, so there really isn't a "judgment" for them. They are raised up as SPIRITS... at the return of our Lord... at the very same time that those who did not die... are changed. Transfigured. Thus, they are all taken home, to the House of our Father... to be wed to the Groom, our Lord, at the same time.
John 11:25, 26; 1 Corinthians 15:20, 23; 1 Thessalonians 4:15-17; Revelation 20:4-6
At one time, based on what I had READ... I was of the thinking that it would only be those who "belonged" to the Christ "during his presence" (meaning from the time he walked on the earth and afterward, including during his invisible presence) that would be resurrected at this time and that the others (those before his flesh and subsequent invisible presence) had to wait until the second resurrection. Thankfully, I have learned to listen to my Lord and NOT put my faith in what is written, so that I NOW know that when it says "during his presence" the TRUE word that should have been rendered there is "during... or at... "his return/arrival."
These include everyone from Abel... on... who belong to our Lord by means of being IN UNION with him... meaning ONE spirit.
2nd Resurrection -
1. Occurs at "the end"... AFTER the 1,000 years have ended... and AFTER my Lord turns the kingdom over to the Father FOR the Judgment.
1 Corinthians 15:23, 24; Revelation 20:6, 7, 11
2. At that time, JAH... sits down on His throne... and scrolls (books) are given Him.
Daniel 7:9, 10; Revelation 20:11
3. There are two (2) sets of scrolls (books)... one containing the deeds... good and bad... of those dead... and the other... the Lamb's Book (the Book of Life - John 14:6)
4. The dead then are called... IN THE FLESH... from the "memorial" tombs... death, Hades and the sea... and brought before the throne to be judged. They are resurrected in the flesh... because they have to be judged in the flesh... as their deeds were committed... in the flesh. This is what Ezekiel saw... the resurrection... of the "dead".
(Please note, these would also include Adam and Eve (who did not commit their sin in the flesh, but in the SPIRIT, for such flesh was not yet given them... but they DIED in such flesh - however, they have not yet been judged and condemned, if indeed they are), and Judas... who also must be resurrected... in the flesh... to be judged... and condemned... if indeed he is. For JAH shows mercy to whomever HE wishes to show it... and we do not know the hearts of these...
Ezekiel 37:1-14
(Also note that it was the resurrection of the "dead" from among Israel that Ezekiel saw - I, however, saw the "dead" from among EVERY nation, tribe and tongue, insofar as they had bones to be seen. Also, Ezekiel was taken to a "valley plain". What I saw, although vast and going on and on and on... seemed to be in the earth. I do not know if Ezekiel's valley plain was "in" the earth, or more like, well, you know, the places where elephants go to die, etc.).
Thus, STARTING WITH ISRAEL, the Household of God...
5. IF their names are written in the Lamb's Book... then their sins are "blotted" out of the other Book (containing their deeds)... by means of the Lamb's blood... and they are able to be counted as worthy of receiving a white robe (spirit body) and granted entry into the kingdom. They come out... to receive life!
John 5:28; Malachi 3:16; Acts 3:19; Revelation 3:5; Exodus 33:32; Psalm 51:1; Psalm 69:28; Jeremiah 18:23
Some of these will be those who died during the flood of Noah's day, who did not put faith in the Son of God at that time, but to whom he (my Lord) preached when he went to the world of the dead (Hades). At that time, the spirits of some of those he preached to DID put faith in him... and so will be granted life. Along with Israel, whom Ezekiel saw, by means of the blood of Christ, these are "the righteous"...
Acts 24:15; Romans 11:26; 1 Peter 3:19, 20; Isaiah 23:25-27
6. If their names are NOT written in the Lamb's Book... then their sins (bad deeds) remain written in the first scroll... and it is on the basis of these that they are judged. They come out, then... to judgment! These... are the unrighteous...
John 5:28; Acts 24:15; Revelation 20:15
Because they have sinned... and the "wage"... or payment... FOR sin... is death... and they have no "covering" for their sins... they are judged. True, ALL have sinned... but not all have a "covering" (a blotting out) FOR their sins. If no covering... the sin(s) then stand(s)... and the sinner must be paid the "wage"... what it is that he/she RECEIVES... for such sin... death.
Romans 6:23; Psalm 51:1
Thus, such ones are:
1. First, judged. They are found "guilty" of their sin... for God Himself is the witness to the truth thereof (Christ is the "witness" for the "righteous"; God is the witness for the "unrighteous"... and thus are judged as sinners, transgressors of law.
Micah 1:2; Psalm 50:7; Malachi 3:5; Micah 6:1, 2
2. Condemned and sentenced. As sinners, they must receive the "wage" of such sin... death. And so, they are condemned... and sentenced... to death... of the body AND the spirit.
Matthew 23:33; Mark 12:40
3. Executed. Such death... of the body AND the spirit... is carried out in only one way, for there is only one way to kill the spirit entirely... and that is to destroy it. Thus, these are cast into the Lake of Fire... Gehenna... wherein is killed... destroyed... the body AND the spirit. That is why Gog and Magog are killed with fire from heaven... why the wild beast, the false prophet... and Satan...are all cast into the Lake of Fire. It is the only place where the SPIRIT... can be destroyed.
Luke 12:5; Matthew 10:28; Revelation 20:15
Even Death... is thus destroyed... so that he... the opposite of Life... is "no more."
I hope this helps your understanding, dear LT... and again, I apologize for the delay in responding.
As always, I bid you the greatest of love and peace, and I am...
YOUR servant... and a slave of Christ... to time indefinite.