I Guess That I am not a Christian Afterall

by Robdar 32 Replies latest social relationships

  • Robdar

    I cannot stop thinking bad thoughts about my soon to be ex. I know that these thoughts are not Christ like or the way that other prophets have told us to be. This seperation and divorce is the first time in my life that I have given in to dark, malevolent thoughts and intent towards another human. I now know that I have been kidding myself for all these years--I just don't have the love needed to be a Christian.

    These feelings are because he got Pwca, my Corgi, in the divorce settlement. Granted, he does have to pay alimony, my attorney's fees and all marital debt, but I would rather have had my dog instead of these material things. I will never get to see Pwca again. I will never pet or play or dance with my dog again.

    The thing that stings the most is when the attorneys were trying to work out our agreement, Mike's attorney said to me that it was their opinion that I was trying to take the dog to be vindictive, that Mike says that I hate the dog and would mistreat him and not feed him. This, of course is nothing but hateful lies. All I wanted was to be able to see my dog.

    To add more injury to insult, Mike then said that he would be glad to let me see Pwca every other weekend if I gave custody of Poppy, my little cat friend, over to him permanently.

    I could have taken this to court, fought with him, pissed off the judge but what is the point? The judge said that he would not assign custody and whoever insisted on taking it to his courtroom would wind up paying for it. He wasn't specific about what he meant.

    I hate Michael with a passion so dark that it hardens my heart and compresses it like a tiny, black pearl. I will never forgive this man. I WILL NEVER FORGIVE THIS MAN.

    I am so sorry, God, I just don't have the love needed to follow your example anymore. I pray that you will forgive me even though I cannot forgive Michael.

  • jgnat

    My boss's ex sent his dog (in the prime of it's life) to the vet to be put down. If he didn't love her, the dog wasn't getting him either.

    Some people are just plain mean.

  • mouthy

    Now Robdar pull up a chair & listen... Remember YOUR STILL a Christian.... The flesh is weak! Your going through a painful time...Of course your feeling bitter towards a vindictive action.... But that is only for a time- The pain WILL heal. Thinking bad thoughts about someone doesnt make you wicked.. Paul had the same trouble at times Remember Romans 7:19--- He practiced what he didnt want to.... See! your feeling bad about it. Just like Paul did. Stop throwing out the Babe with the bathwater. Just know I am praying for you darling.....its O.K. to Vent -Your human> No halo's around any of us (((((((HUG)))

  • Valis

    Robdar, how do you square being a christian and believing in past lives? Just curious.


    District Overbeer

  • Robdar

    Some people are just plain mean.

    Yes, they are. I count myself fortunate to be rid of one of them.

    Paul had the same trouble at times Remember Romans 7:19--- He practiced what he didnt want to.... See! your feeling bad about it. Just like Paul did.

    Mouthy, yes, he did have similar troubles. But Christ, as well as the other prophets whose teachings I have studied, said that we must forgive and love one another. I cant do that anymore. Nor do I want to.

    Robdar, how do you square being a christian and believing in past lives? Just curious.

    Valis, very good question. I never said that I believed in past lives but thought that the experiences had something to do with genetic memory or certain theories of time/space. I did say that I was open to the possibility because of experiences I have had in self hypnosis. Besides, many Christians, who are not fundy, believe in past lives. Please re-read the post.

    So, for me at least, reincarnation could exist. If so, the question would be how to escape the wheel of rebirth. If reincarnation is real, the Christian would not need to return if he follows the teachings of Christ. Why? Because if you love and forgive, there is no need to return to earth to work it out.

  • Valis

    Robs, I was just curious, but for obvious reasons I have questions about how you could be reincarnated, which happens to be a totally different belief than what even normal non fundy xtianity is. Having said that, even I can be Christ like and be a Christian at times, following the simple admonitions by Jesus, who happeneed to be portraying the actions of a good person. Unfortunately we have, for the most part of our history, added all the other necessities like worshipping a particular god, versus just being a good person and displaying loving kindness to those around us.


    District Overbeer

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee


    It is my understanding that Christ said a couple of things were required for forgiveness. The person had to acknowledge what they had donne and ask for forgiveness.

    Seems to me neither has happened.

    I also think that there is such a thing as righteous anger

    Just my 2 cents

  • Valis

    Lady Lee....whatever happened to turning the other cheek? Forgetting vs. Forgiving and all that?


    District Overbeer

  • Robdar

    added all the other necessities like worshipping a particular god, versus just being a good person and displaying loving kindness to those around us.

    I agree, Valis. All the masters have said the same thing. It doesn't matter if they are Christian, Buddist, Muslim. The message is to love one another. It occured to me a very long time ago that religion is a snare. But love is another matter entirely. It's a pity that most churches focus on fear and all the things that we must do to gain God's favor. If they taught the truth about God, who would come to church?

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Turning the other cheek is one thing. I believe the message is to not retaliate.

    Forgive and forget? I don't know if that is even Biblical. To forget our past means we learn nothing from our mistakes or from our experiences. Even if a person does acknowledge their hurt to us and we forgive them doesn't mean we should forget it ever happened. We shouldn't hold the grudge (I don't think) but remembering helps us prevent the problem from occuring again

    2 more cents

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