Was that grey bearded man Jesus?.. at the end of the video? He has been aging too fast for a divine creature. Who wouldn't when your brothers on Earth screw up so badly every time they speak. I think Jesus was pointing the arrow to AMIII and his gang. He's had it with them!
Material such as the film at the end of this years convention confirms that I was right to take my kids out the religion
by jambon1 97 Replies latest jw friends
Was that grey bearded man Jesus?
I guess the JWS think that Jesus has aged in the past 2000 years since he was last on earth.
Well it has been a while.
Knowing how JWS think they did this on purpose to make people think on the end must be just around the corner now because Jesus has gotten older.
I thought your not suppose to age while in your heaven ?
the end with the bow and arrow being fired from the sky looks like something from Harry Potter
Sour Grapes
Bow and arrow Jesus will be a big hit at the convention and he will be the topic of discussion for a couple of weeks until the Jdubs get back to the meetings and they are lulled asleep again with the boredom.
This video will just then drift to the back of the Dubbiles minds like the bunker video.
I wonder what the Borg sill do next year to top this year? Now the Dubbies will come to expect even more scary productions.
Seems to have a message along with depressing music of a death march for everyone to get out in harms way deliberately. A suicide mission spirit. No one was hiding in little apartments or basement bunkers, like their previous videos or pictures showed. Like "Be Ready to Meet Your Death" but somewhere out of the blue last minute God/Jesus will save them. It is a depression inducing film for certain.
Finally after the film and convention one can go out of the stadium and say "Thanks J my God that I am still ALIVE! HUH" and relax. It was a great film wasn't it?
And together with the drama it means so much. The world is getting more brutal and dirty against us. Near to the end of the old world it must be if the GB features that on screen.
Let us go wherever he says now. They may repent. Even if had to choke my fate and would be swallowed by a big fish, in the end I would be preaching and be alive ...
Jehovah---zzzzz ------->>> arrow is stronger unerring!!🎺 Coureageous like Jehovah the organisation draws the bow and so should we draw ours in the service protecting us in the spiritual warfare by using all means of tactics.
...I thought WT eschatology taught that "Jehovah's People" would be miraculously spared from trouble during the Great Trib.
Not rounded up (and presumably shot) by NWO stormtroopers.
Maybe it's just me, but telling the rank-and-file to expect the latter seems a tad counterproductive.
Gayle - "Seems to have a message along with depressing music of a death march for everyone to get out in harms way deliberately. A suicide mission spirit."
Well, you gotta admit...
...in the (unlikely) event that the majority of loyal rank-and-filers did go that way, they wouldn't be around to see the GB fall from grace.