Material such as the film at the end of this years convention confirms that I was right to take my kids out the religion

by jambon1 97 Replies latest jw friends

  • HiddlesWife

    GB/WT are a bunch of hypocrites: While they display violence in their videos (i.e., the drama videos in 2016 RC and this upcoming one), they stomp down the mandate for the R&F not to watch action/adventure flicks and the like.

    I hope that a number of PIMIs wake up after viewing this video really soon!

  • All or nothing
    All or nothing

    I agree with everything everyone has said but I can't help but think how now that we don't indoctrinate ourselves with this sort of nonsense...I feel so much at ease with life in general. I used to have an overwhelming dread that Satan and his demons were going to get me, it was borderline panic. I was afraid to pray out loud for fear Satan would know my innermost thoughts and use it against me to trip me up in a really sounds so ridiculous now that I am saying it...the worldly people I associate with day after day are very pleasant and i never want to be part of the hateful congregation we used to go to...I really feel bad for you pimo folks having to endure this cult indoctrination along with the judgmental hypocrites- I hope our fade can continue...ugh

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    Wow. . . I'm so sorry I watched that. . .

    Surprised it didn't say "A Leni Reifenstahl Production" at the end.

  • humbled

    BoC— right on! This is such a powerful propaganda piece. It sets the trigger button ride up there for the Hitllers/the governing body to brush gently and explode people’s fear centers.

    Even using that hokey illustration from the book of Bible stories with Jesus on the Whitehorse and all their armies of heaven behind him—they make it work.When I think how quiet and ordinary -real -the rest of it was portrayed until that fantastical scene when Jesus comes and draws his bow. Mind blowing


    is diabolical.

  • Alex Bogdanov
    Alex Bogdanov

    One of the BIG reasons why me and my wife stopped going to the meetings it is because of our son and the future baby. As soon as our son was born we made the decision to stop seeing so called brothers and sisters. Before we used to go to the meetings once a month. But we decided that our son has to be away from the crazy ideas that GB is spreading. The Organisation is very homophobic. I know a couple of JWs who hate their guts. I have no idea why. I was JW for a very long time and never had problems with LGBT community. Now JWs hate me even more because in my book that was recently published one of the characters is thinking about his sexuality and another character is an ex-JW.

  • slimboyfat

    It’s a pity there are no hardcore WT believers on the forum because I’d be interested to read a believer’s perspective on this video. I wonder how they would defend it. Or would they say it’s no big deal?

    I guess they might say that if you really believe Armageddon is coming then it’s entirely appropriate to portray it and give a warning about obedience because it will save lives. People who object to it object mainly because they don’t believe in Armageddon. Plus they would say the literature has always portrayed Armageddon visually. This is just the latest medium. Plus they would say you don’t actually see any guns fired or actual violence in the video it’s all implied. Mmm. That’s the best I can do for a defence. Anyone got any better ideas?

  • _Morpheus

    I would say your dead on, slim. If you believe what the wt teaches then this is accurate. Its objectionable when viewed through with non cult colored eyes.

  • Alex Bogdanov
    Alex Bogdanov

    Slimboyfat. I think they wouldn't defend the video. Because for them it is real. That is their life! A few weeks ago in Indonesia parents blew themselves up with their children. Do you think their were up for a debate? I don't think so. They were fully convinced that what ever they will do is good for their children. Same with JWs they are fully convinced that GB is concerned about their children so no matter what GB produces in JWs its beneficial for their children. Do I think that JW are radical Christians? Yes, JWs are a radical Christian faith.

  • Vidiot

    re. HiddlesWife's post...

    Ironic, really, when you think about it...

    ...'specially considering their ultimate "source material" (a.k.a. The Bible) has more hard-R content than Quentin Tarantino's and Eli Roth's entire filmography.


  • sparrowdown

    The bible stories, if depicted as told would have to be dark web only they're so gruesome.

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