Goes to show they have nothing of substance anymore. They have to rely on emotional manipulation through techno imagery
Material such as the film at the end of this years convention confirms that I was right to take my kids out the religion
by jambon1 97 Replies latest jw friends
Sorry slim one but you are misrepresenting my words and even lying (!!!) about what i said.
i drew no correlation between moral and reporting religious affiliation on a census. Thats your words, not mine.
People dont self identify because they dont want the geovernment having any more information than is absolutely required. Witness tend to be paranoid, especially since their organization says governments will turn on them annnnnyyy day now.... so no i dont trust them to self identify.
And i refuse to go down the congregation counting road again. Your purposefully obtuse on that because you think it fits your narrative. 5 pennies is the same as one nickel. Trading 5 pennies for one nickle dosent represent a net decrease in your finances.
nowwhat? - "Goes to show they have nothing of substance anymore."
They did before?
Yeah the whole time I'm thinking... Where did they get this rifles from? They were not just a random type, they were a very specific type of fire arms. It wasn't just two pieces of iron put together to make them look like guns, they were actual gun models. Where did they come from????
I took this to mean JWs were reluctant to self-identify:
including people in that group not wanting to self identify to the government (see the video noted in the op as a reason why).
Sorry if I misunderstood your meaning.
I guess fear of the government is a possible reason for JWs not to answer the census. But you’d have to believe they were more scared in 2011 than in 2001 for some reason. Plus, while some JWs may be getting more scared, many others are probably growing increasingly cynical about Watchtower claims, and fearmongering, in view of scandals, overlapping generation, cutbacks, internal leaks on the internet, and so on.
A better explanation for the declining census numbers, I would suggest, is simple decline. Since it fits with reducing congregations and it fits with what many of us see in local congregations and conventions.
slimboyfat - "...many others are probably growing increasingly cynical about Watchtower claims, and fearmongering, in view of scandals, overlapping generation, cutbacks, internal leaks on the internet, and so on..."
slimboyfat - "...fear of the government is a possible reason for JWs not to answer the census..."
Considering recent circumstances, I can't really say as I blame 'em.
Or do American JWs like Trump?
Well they don’t ask for relgion in the US census. It’s mainly commonwealth countries (former British Empire) and Latin American countries that have good census data for relgion, and they’re mostly conducted every ten years, 2011 being the latest.
Little do they know jesus is about to shoot them.
This video is and will be very impactful on the young ones... our son, who is not associated has had nightmares, distress, anxieties due to remembering the graphic pictures in the older publications regarding Armageddon and the great tribulation where all will die but JWs...
What impact this will have on young ones wont be known for several years unless a kid is wise enough to start asking questions and letting his / her parents know that this was disturbing
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