My answer: Jesus Christ.....Yours???
In Your Opinion: Who Was The Greatest Person That Ever Lived?
by minimus 65 Replies latest jw friends
My grandfather by far. R.I. P.
District Overbeer
Victorian sky
Among imperfect humans? The Underground Railroad conductor and Union Army Scout, Harriet Tubman - had more courage than many men combined. Love her. - V SKy
Me of course!
-Humble Dave
How do you define 'Greatest'?
Strictly speaking, Hitler was one of the greatest men who ever lived - but for all the wrong reasons. Queen Victoria had perhaps a quarter of the worlds population subject to her during her reign - does that make her great?
I know what your getting at of course - I just feel a litlle pedantic tonight.
Albert Einstein
I would have to say Jesus Christ too and next to him, Mother Theresa, as an imperfect person. You said "person" so I guess that would include females?
everyone ... no one
that's the only answer I can come up with, min. Now if you wanted a list of people I admire, well ... but that's another thread.
Alexander the Great...DUH! IT'S IN HIS NAME PEOPLE!!
Obviously one would want to say Jesus, but, can you prove he really existed?
Jesus Christ, Moses, Abraham, King Arthur, Merlin the Wizard. All great men, but are they real? Or maybe a composite of men? Or just legend? Most believe Arthur to be legend and Jesus real. But outside of the Bible there's no more proof for Jesus' existance than there is Arthur's.
I have no opinion on who's greatest because out of all people that have greatness thrust upon them, they too have their faults and weaknesses.