In Your Opinion: Who Was The Greatest Person That Ever Lived?

by minimus 65 Replies latest jw friends

  • jelly

    It is amazing how you can take my one sentence and know exactly all my reasons for choosing Washington. You must be physic, maybe you should go to Vegas with that act. Or, you could just be a weasel. Washington choose to be president when he could have been dictator, not to many men step away from power. He was instrumental in the founding of this country and as such I think had great influence on the current world.


  • simplesally

    Someone said it was Thomas Crapper who was the greatest person who ever lived, I submit........It is often incorrectly quoted that the toilet was invented by a Mr Thomas Crapper in the 18th century. Actually, simple toilets have been used since Babylonian times. In 1596, John Harrington invented an indoor water closet for Queen Elizabeth I. But Harrington then published a book with tasteless puns about his own invention. The toilet then dropped into obscurity for nearly 200 years.

  • tinkerbell82
    Darwin?, Stalin, Lenin, Hitler, Hussein

    Wow, i would SO not include darwin on that list.

    as for the question..i'm not too keen on superlatives.

  • azaria

    Who greatly influenced society: who either saw the inherent dignity in individuals or felt that individuals lives had no meaning; for the sake of the cause, whether for religious or political reasons

    on the positive: Jesus Christ, St. Francis of Assisi?, Ghandi, Martin Luther King Jr, Mother Theresa, Nelson Mandela, Rosa Parks,

    on the negative: Pope Urban II, Pope Innocence III, just to name a couple, Darwin?, Stalin, Lenin, Hitler, Hussein

    There are so many more but I think the above greatly influenced our civilization.

    Farkel: In defense of onacruse I was the one that stated the above. This is a discussion board and I believe that we have a right to state an opinion and even be allowed to change the title to suit ourselves. Now if I broke any rules please inform me. For your benefit I will state that I believe that Jesus was the Greatest Person That Ever Lived. And yes, unlike what someone else stated, there is proof that he actually existed. Was he the Son of God or was he merely a man? For me there is no question that he was, is the Son of God. Instead of nit-picking my wording why don't you take my list (positive & negative) and state your opinion on that. I have stated in another post that I wasn't going to debate an issue. It is very hard. If I change my mind that is my prerogative.

    Wow, i would SO not include darwin on that list.

    Tinkerbell: Can I ask why you would not include Darwin?

  • Aztec

    "What's up with Issac Newton???"

    Please Mini, think about that. Sir Isaac Newton was one of the foremost scientific and mathematical geniuses of our time. He made so many contributions to mathematics, optics, calculus, and chemistry! He did alot more to enhance and enlighten modern society than some mythological person named Jesus. Plus he went to Cambridge which Expatbrit can assure you is the best of the best.

    The fact that more people would pick Jesus over someone like Newton reassures my belief that most people are not very rational.

    *Insert insult here* I can take it.


  • tinkerbell82

    Tinkerbell: Can I ask why you would not include Darwin?
    stalin, lenin, hitler, hussein....darwin? i just don't understand why a revolutionary scientific mind would be lumped in with the likes of Hitler, i guess. would you compare the creation of the third reich to the formulation of the theory of evolution? personally i admire darwin immensely and i tend to subscribe to his views as well. he's on my good list, and he's way up there, too. of course, to each his own...

  • minimus

    I don't think Jesus was a mythological person. I don't think Issac Newton was either.

  • azaria

    I believe that Newton said his thumb print was enough to convince him that God existed. I couldn’t find the proof, but this may be of interest to you.

    Nature and Nature's laws lay hid in night, God said: "Let Newton be," and all was light

    . Alexander Pope, Works of Alexander Pope

    Given the modern tendency to view science and religion as vastly different - even oppositional - modes of thought, it is rather surprising to consider that the "father" of modern science, Isaac Newton, wrote more theological works than scientific studies. For Newton, as for many natural philosophers of his age, science did not contradict faith, but supplemented and enriched it. Exploring God's creation was a way of becoming sensitive to the glorious workings of a God whose illimitable creative powers were everywhere evident, but nowhere fully explicable. It is perhaps not an overstatement to assert that Newton conducted his science within of the mystery of his faith. Just as Jesus and the Christian message illumined Newton's life, so, too, Newton threw light upon the dark corners of human understanding.

    this site may be of interest to some here who are interested in Isaac Newton

    I find it hard to believe that people still believe in Darwinism. His theory: he claimed that life began millions of years ago with simple single-cell creatures and then developed through mutation and natural selection into the vast array of plant and animal life that populate the plantet. More and more biologists, biochemists, and other researchers (not just Christians) have raised serious objections to evolutionary theory in recent years, claiming that its broad inferences are sometimes based on flimsy, incomplete, or flawed data. New discoveries during the past thirty years have prompted an increasing number of scientists to contradict Darwin by concluding that there was an Intelligent Designer behind the creation and development of life. (Yes I did copy from different articles from books I have) I am so in awe of this universe that I find it impossible to believe that all this came from nothing.

  • azaria

    Re Darwin: As for his negative contribution: His beliefs swayed many people into believing that there was no God. Just look at Russia to see what atheism did. I should then include Karl Marx also. Sorry to the original poster; that I changed your post from who is the greatest to who influenced society in a positive and negative way.

  • tinkerbell82

    i, for one, happen to be an atheist. i also happen to believe in evolution. i hardly consider myself unintelligent for subscribing to either stance. just look at russia to see what atheism did??????

    ok, in order not to detract from the original poster's intentions, i'm going to drop this. like i said, to each his own, and i won't try to "covert" you.

    I am so in awe of this universe that I find it impossible to believe that all this came from nothing.

    i just wanted to add that atheists can be in awe of the universe as well. and i'm not exactly contending that it appeared out of thin air. have you ever read Dawkins? you might be interested in checking out some of his (unabashedly darwinian) work.

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