It bothers me to hear people equate minimum wage to slavery. Don't like minimum wage? You have the ability to walk out and apply elsewhere. You can start a business today more easily than at any other time. There are many options but many people don't want to work. My friend has a handyman business and pays ridiculously well but the people he hires don't work, steal, etc. I know owners of cleaning businesses that can't even get people to show up for an interview. Heck, I turn down work all the time because I don't want to babysit grown ass people that I'm also paying.
I am for a minimum wage like what we have now. It isn't enough to live on and shouldn't be.
I hate the idea of a minimum income. We have programs to catch people now if they fall. Everyone wants to be the savior of the poor. I grew up poor. Poor people often have poor ways of living that keep them there. It's not pc but it's true. Give them money and watch them squander it. Heck, I watched my parents do just that with their inheritance from my grandparents.
People get more lazy and entitled the more we give them, imo. There are countries in Africa that have asked the US charities to stop because their people are getting lazy. A person I knew of started a business there paying more and the people just worked less. Many people don't believe they're worth anything more than what their lot in life is and you can't give them that belief. Comfort is one hell of a drug and it keeps people stuck. I'm against minimums that make people too comfy. That's just my feelings on the matter.