What Does Your "Apostate Library" Look Like???

by minimus 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • blondie

    I call it my religious research library. I have WTS publications back to the mid-60's (others on CD). I have all but the more expensive books like Way to Paradise. I have some specialty WTS books, Pastor Russell's Sermons, reassigned from other family libraries. I have COJ's books, Ray Franz' books, Penton, etc. I also have general books on spiritual abuse. I have other books written by ex-JWs. I have books like the Works of Josephus (garage sale find) as well as the major books of the LDS (Mormons), SDAs, Koran, Buddhist writings, Hindu writings, Bible dictionaries and commentaries. As I find some online, if I like them, I search for used copies. I have 30 Bible translations, as well as Bible Student publications. I have a copy of the Hebrew Scriptures in Hebrew and have been teaching myself Hebrew, a challenge in a new alphabet and reading page direction. I have several interlinears for the NT. I receive magazines from several religions as well. I have studied Buddhism and Islam from a secular rather than religious viewpoint. I have conversed at length with local Buddhists and Muslims. All have been very friendly and not pushy. If anyone has any gems to recommend, let me know.


  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    Well last night the guy who was giving me his apostate library ( which he no longer wants) brought it around. 6 Boxes of books. Among other gems it included reprinted bound WT volumes for 1879- 1916,1917, 1918 and 1919. So that fills a hole in my collection.Theres also some "Children of God" stuff in there, which fills another hole. And a lot of "Boston Church of Christ" gear. So its going to absorb me for a while. Plus about 12 books from the Rutherford era including "harp" which Ive never had a proper copy of before. Price- $200 US. I think I got a bargain. Theres a "Singing and accompanying yourselves" too. I sat there lookin thru that and many of the songs just came straight back to me as soon as I started to try and sing them, even after 25 years. Memory is a funny thing.

  • plmkrzy

    I have all the WT bound volumes from 1965 along with all the books printed since

    "New Heavens and A New Earth" 1953 edition.(blue book)


    "What you Need To Know about Jehovahs Witnesses" Lorri MacGregor

    "Book of Mormon"


    "The Koran" (I can’t read it, it is written in Persian or something)

    "The Truth about the Qur'an "

    And a box full of old books I never went through. Some religious some black magic some about the satanist that lives in Southern California. I only read about 1 or 2 chapters and got bored.

    Many books on ancient religion and druids etc.

    Most everything is in storage now.

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