What Does Your "Apostate Library" Look Like???

by minimus 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • suzi_creamcheez

    I'm new at this, so I only have a few:

    JWs and the Problem of Mento' Illness -Jerry Bergman Ph.D. (I couldn't put it down!!)

    JWs and the Hour of Darkness -that Barefoot guy

    Blood on the Altar - David Reed

    a couple of Freeminds tapes and CDs

    Recently borrowed Apocalypse Delayed and Accidental Autobiography from library.

    If i keep buying new books I won't be able to afford my drug drinking habit any more.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Space can be a problem. I have a room just for my books - seven large bookshelves of them. We are planning on moving and one of the requirements is that we have a room for books and another room for computers - his, mine and mine.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Gee, wouldn't it be great if old Watchtower publications were available on CDROM?

  • Flowerpetal


    I've also borrowed Penton, Reed, and White from the library, and I'm currently reading Grizzuti online.

    Hey Euph! I read Grizzuti also online--and she had me cracking up about CTR's ideas on the Pyramid...

  • hooberus
    refiners said: Ive posted before that as far as dub material goes Ive read all the WTs thru 1879 - 1929 thoroughly and have copied the alticlkes I think important into bound folders.

    Are you saying that you have read every word? How long did it take? How much material is in your summary folders?

    I am buying a set of reprints 1879 to 1919 and may be interested in what you have compiled in your bound folders.

  • GentlyFeral

    Some limiting factors:

    I haven't bought CoC or any "cult-exit" books, although I have read Combatting Cult Mind Control and CoC, & recommend both.

    I live in a trailer - limited space for books.

    However: my library now consists almost exclusively of books I could not have in the house as a jaydub. Partial list:

    • Kali: the Feminine Force , Ajit Mookherjee
    • Kali: the Black Goddess of Dakshineshwar – can’t remember the author
    • Maldoror & the Complete Works of the Comte De Lautreamont
    • Arthur Rimbaud: Presence of an Enigma, Jean-Luc Steinmetz
    • Rimbaud: A Biography, Graham Robb
    • Surrealist Women : An International Anthology, ed. Penelope Rosemont
    • Where the Spirits Ride the Wind: Trance Journeys and Other Ecstatic Experiences, Felicitas D. Goodman (and to think the Watchtower once quoted her in an article on speaking in tongues!)
    • Ecstatic Body Postures: An Alternate Reality Workbook, Belinda Gore & Felicitas Goodman
    • Kali's Child: The Mystical and the Erotic in the Life and Teachings of Ramakrishna, Jeffrey John Kripal
    • The Hero With an African Face: Mythic Wisdom of Traditional Africa, Clyde W. Ford
    • The Healing Wisdom of Africa: Finding Life Purpose Through Nature, Ritual, and Community, Malidoma Patrice Somé
    • Time of the Assassins: a Study of Rimbaud, Henry Miller
    • Shibboleth: My Revolting Life, Penny Rimbaud
    • Exhibitionism for the Shy: Show Off, Dress Up and Talk Hot, Carol Queen

    There's more, but isn't this enough?


    • refiners fire
      refiners fire


      I can certainly send you a complete list of all WT articles, 1879- 1929 relevant to the subjects of Prophecies/ Date setting, and the subject of Organizational structure. I certainly did not read ever word in the magazines, I scanned thru every article, one page at a time ( about 2 years work) assessing whether it was relevant historically or not. If I decided it didnt contain any "meat" ( juicy dates, or stupid utterances) I skipped the article. Let me know and I'll post you a list of key articles.

      Actually, I'll do it anyway. I'll post it up in this thread.

    • refiners fire
      refiners fire

      Hooberus. On the subject of prophetic interpretation:

      WT November 1879. “Babylon is fallen”

      Gives their current understanding re Babylons fall, in 1878, later shifted to 1918.

      WT March 1880. “ The Building of Zion”

      Shows that the Jews must return to Jerusalem prior to 1914.

      WT July 1880. “The Closing Work”.

      General prophetic utterances and date settings.Explains their chronogy.

      WT January 1881. “How Long Oh Lord?”

      Indicates the church will be raptured in 1881.

      WT Feb 1881. “Cast not away your confidence”

      A very interesting review of their predictions up to 1881.(1874/ 1878/1881)

      WT May 1881. “The Year 1881”

      Indicates church rapture in 1881.

      WT November 1881. “The Door was shut”

      Reveals that the church will not be raptured in 1881 ( which has nearly passed) but the "door of mercy" has been shut and the 144000 are Sealed. No more access to heaven.An invisible fullfilment.

      WT March 1886. “View from the Tower”.

      Explains that Armaggedon 1914 will be a “class war” along Communist principles.

      WT April 15, 1902. “Great voices in heaven”

      Further interpretations upon prophetic , 1914 matters.

      WT Feb 1, 1903. “View from the tower”

      Tells us the “System” will commence to collapse by 1908, ( prefullfilments) with Armaggedon by 1914.

      WT July 1, 1904. “Universal Anarchy’

      Certainly to be read by students of JW 1914 datesetting.

      WT November 15, 1904. “Further confirmation of Chronology”

      An article which presents numerous bizarre charts indication Their date setting is correct.

      WT. January 1, 1908. “View from the tower”.

      Shifts Armaggedon to 1915.After all, there is no evidence of the Jews returning to Jerusalem yet.

      WT January 1, 1914. “View from the tower”

      Indicates Armaggedon might be a bit slow coming by 1914 considering it is now 1914.

      WT May 1, 1914. “View from the tower”

      Indicates that the church might not be raptured in 1914 after all.

      WT August15, 1914. “View from the Tower”

      WW1 Starts!! Proof they are right!! Enthusiasm that the end is upon us is rekindled.

      WT September1, 1914. “The Present Crisis”

      Reconfirms that WW1 will descend into a communistic class war between worker and management.

      WT October 15, 1914. “View from the tower”.

      Article conveying imminence of the end. Rapture of the church

      WT March 1, 1915 “changes in Scripture studies”

      Very important article. List all the places in Russells Scripture Studies series where students must cross out the year “1914” and insert “1915”. Lol.

      WT September 1, 1916. “The harvest is not ended”

      Gives evidence that Armaggedon will come in 1918, not 1914 which is of course, now in the past. Lol.

      That’s as much as I have in my “predictions’ folder up to 1919 which you indicated was as far as your volumes went. Of course the years between 1922 and 1929 were firecracker years and there are many articles published in those years that are MUST reading. I’ll put together the “Organizational” list now.

    • refiners fire
      refiners fire

      Regarding “Organizational’ Articles. Heres what Ive got in my file.

      WT July 1880. “New and Old”

      Gives Russells interp of “New Light”. Very interesting stuff.This should probably be in the “predictions” folder.

      WT April 1882. “Questions and answers”

      Explains that the church is not a denomination.

      WT, September, 1883. “Christianity Vs Churchianity”

      Religious organizations are wickedness.The pitfalls of organized religion.

      WT July 1, 1892. “The Early Church”.

      Explains that true Christianity is not an organization

      WT November 1884. “The Episcopal church”

      Against organized churches.

      WT September 1888. “ Be not entangled again”

      True Christians are not in an organization.

      WT, December 1888. “The council at Jerusalem”

      Must read. The council at Jerusalem was not a governing body

      WT June 1889. “Mistaken expediency”

      A must Read! Apostacy, churches that control their members.

      WT August 1889. “Protestants awake”

      Must read. The evils of an elite class that interprets the Bible for the masses!The necessity of local elections to prevent takeover by an elite “class”.

      WT April 15. 1904. “Like unto men who wait for their lord”

      Must read. The WT shifts from a collective slave to an individual ( Russell)

      Wt May 1, 1904. “Only the humble”

      Must read.Shows that by being elevated to the role of FDS, Russell doesn’t WANT the job. He does not SEEK exaltation.

      WT October 1, 1909. “That servant”

      Further article about the Individual FDS.This is the famous "Our friends say....Our opponents say"... article. A Must Read.

      WT December 1, 1916.

      Must read, Russell is dead. Magazine contains his will and indicates who must run things.

      WT Febuary 15, 1918. “Two Classes”

      Russell is the FDS.

      Now of course, shortly after this all the trouble started, and there are numerous articles especially from the year 1922 which dogmatically insist that Russell was the FDS.

      WT May 1, 1922. “The Gentile Times”

      Russell is the FDS. Disagree? = Traitor!

      WT September 15, 1922. “Tests and Temptations”

      Russell is the FDS. Disagree? = Satan!

      WT December 1, 1922. “Provisions for his own”

      Russell is the Channel, disagree?= Satan!

      WT March 1, 1923. “Loyalty the Test”

      Quotes the WT of April 1904 to show that Russell said he was the FDS

      Of course, by 1926 the WT reversed position, and anyone who still believed Russell was the FDS was now a Satanic traitor. Too funny…..

    • mustang

      I haven't cataloged it but I have an extensive library. However, it tends to be technical, scientific and linguistic in nature. I have one room with two walls of books, floor to ceiling. The 3rd wall has a computer and the 4th wall has 500 Laser Disc's

      In recent years, I have started rebuilding my JW/Religious library. I picked up as many of the 50's/60's books as I could from when I "grew up in the tRUTH". Strangely, I found that these books were expensive and overpriced (20-30$ a piece) in the few places where I could find them. Then I picked up a few "onsie's-twosie's" at better prices. Recently, I cleaned out a whole bookshelf for under a 100$ at a store that was quite well priced.

      I also have been collecting Law books and have an embryonic Law Library. One of the books included is a discussion on Constitutional Law. It has nearly 2 chapters on the "flag salute" issue and JW's going through the Supreme Court. That is very informative and I intend to post it in the future.


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