2023 WTS Annual Meeting?
by careful 33 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
🤣🤣🤣 Last Annual Meeting
Beth Sarim
Another 2 hrs of life wasted for nothing. Another meeting
Kenneth Cook, Chairman..."We welcome all who are tied in remotely!"
(Does he mean even all the "apostates" tied in remotely?😆Why thank you!)
Alvin Bilobraily, Portugal Branch, Prayer - "...thank you for all the spiritual food you provide through the Faithful Discreet Slave...the Governing Body has a very heavy responsibility...also provide spiritual food...through the Governing Body and also the many helpers....thank you...thank you for the Watch Tower Bible Tract Society of Pennsylvania...a great support to the Governing Body..." 🤢🤮🤮🤮
Kenneth Cook - "This understanding is now going to be passed on to you! Are you ready? Are you excited to hear it?"
Jeff Winder - "New light...often at the Annual Meeting that it's announced....New light...new light...faithful and discreet slave..." blah blah blah. 💩
These guys are such liars. Lie lie lie. Jehovah is going to show up these guys as frauds. These guys do not represent Jehovah, and He's going to let everybody know it.
David Splane, talk "Trust in the Merciful Judge of All the Earth" basically admitted old publications were wrong about there being no resurrection for those in Sodom/Flood/etc. Says we can't be dogmatic because "we don't know."
"What about the great tribulation? My time is up." Walks off stage to have Geoffrey Jackson answer that question.
Geoffrey Jackson, says as regards the question how long between the beginning and end of the great tribulation: "We don't know."
(Which is funny, because the Bible clearly shows it's 3 1/2 years between the beginning and end of the great tribulation.)
Geoffrey Jackson then says "Gog's attack is just prior to Armageddon."
(His statement is a falsehood, because Revelation 20:7-10 actually shows that the attack of Gog of Magog as depicted in Ezekiel 38 doesn't take place until the end of the 1000 year reign.)
Geoffrey Jackson then says that the final gathering of the 144,000 anointed remnant is after the attack of Gog of Magog.
(His statement is a falsehood, because the Bible actually shows that the 144,000 anointed remnant will be gathered before the final battle of Armageddon, which is 1000 years earlier than the attack of Gog of Magog.)
Beth Sarim
""We love you all very much""
As he reads through a teleprompter.
In video from Become Jehovah's Friend series, "You Are Precious to Jehovah", says Jesus prayed for disciples not to be taken out of the world.
(The Bethel Communes are built by the WTBT$ in opposition to Jesus' prayer.)
Steven Lett's talk "Jehovah's Chariot is on the Move" used illustration comparing Absalom's chariot to be a "sluggish, minuscule rattletrap" in comparison to Jehovah's Chariot.
(The "FDS" is just like Absalom, as is shown in that they have to keep changing the parts on their "chariot", the WTBT$. They do not represent Jehovah's heavenly chariot.)
Regarding Ramapo, Steven Lett says that in a few months "with Jehovah's blessing, we're going to call many more volunteers... remember to pray for Jehovah's blessing on these efforts."
(Jehovah is going to put an end to the JWBorg slave labor. With Jehovah's blessing, in a few months the Ramapo work is going to end.)
Steven Lett says regarding the movie studio stuff that "this sets us up with years to come" for convention dramas.
(These guys are fulfilling 2 Thessalonians 2:9,10 "But the lawless one’s presence is by the operation of Satan with every powerful work and lying signs and wonders and every unrighteous deception..." The WTBT$ won't be around for years to come. They will be dissolved soon.)
After talking about new movies "Good News About Jesus", Steven Lett says these studios will possibly be used to teach people on earth during the 1000 year reign.
(Lett is wrong. Jesus said he'd be here himself during the 1000 year reign "Truly I will be with you in Paradise" and that he would eat and drink with people during the Paradise. People won't need movies to see Jesus during the Paradise.)
Kenneth Cook introduces next symposium and asks the audience to keep this part confidential until the other congregations can be informed.
Gage Fleegle, talk "Love Jehovah, Praise Jehovah". Talks about how love is more than just saying have love for God or for having a feeling.
Mentions "those hypocrites" who measure out the little things but ignored weightier matters.
(The GB is self-condemned. Out of their own mouths they prove themselves to be hypocrites.)
Gage Fleegle says "God's Kingdom rules".
(Jesus did not take the throne in 1914. How can these guys claim to be in Jesus' hand when they don't even know he didn't take the throne in 1914?)
Gage Fleegle says "Love Jehovah, praise Jehovah," and that Jehovah has chosen them (WTBT$) to praise Jehovah.
(WTBT$ has reproached Jehovah. His rage against them is huge.)
Gerrit Losch prerecorded talk "Love for Jehovah in Ancient Times" about command to tithe in past a tenth, "a holy gift that belonged to Him" and "generously gave it to the Levites who had no land inheritance...a wonderful way...to support pure worship...this loving provision...No human to monitor...no one assigned to enforce compliance with the tithing arrangement."
"Would Jehovah be inclined to bless those who were stingy? It's not likely." Says those who give more would be blessed.
(These guys are so naughty. Twist, twist, twist the scripture to guilt people into giving money to liars.🤮)
"Today, of course, we are no longer under the Mosaic Law...rather than commanded..."Let each one do just as resolved in heart...God loves a cheerful giver"...so what have we learned?...We give generously of our time and resources because we love Jehovah."
"We can learn from the Nazarite arrangement...both men and women could volunteer...they had to meet certain requirements..."
(Now he's going to plug for more slave labor for support for their unscriptural antichrist commune life.🤮)
"So what can we learn from the Nazarite arrangement...going beyond what is required...circumstances pioneer and those able to serve as volunteers at branch offices and in other theocratic assignments..."
Sam Herd, "Love for Jehovah in Modern Times" says identifying mark of true Christians is preaching work, video on reporting time.
(The GB teaches contrary to what Jesus said. Jesus said the identifying mark would be love, and not to let your left hand know what your right is doing, and not to trumpet your good deeds before you. Jesus said to take care of people, not to shun them.)
Sam Herd said "Beginning November 1, 2023, congregation publishers will no longer be asked to report the amount of time they spend in the ministry. Nor will publishers be asked to report their placements...instead the field service report will simply have a box to indicate that the publisher shared in any form of the ministry. There will be one more box where publishers report the different Bible studies they conduct..."
(Yeah, but they still want them to report to men.)
Sam Herd said since Nazarites had different requirements "thus auxiliary and regular pioneers, special pioneers, circuit overseers missionaries and their wives" still report hours and different Bible studies they conduct.
(They want to get more people to sign up as slave labor for the JWBorg.)
Sam Herd said "Elders and circuit overseers will have to be even more discerning shepherds...qualifications not simply matter of computing averages...no, you will have to know the brothers, what is their attitude toward the ministry...what is their reputation..."
(It sounds like they are getting desperate for more "elders" to support the GB pyramid scheme, thus lowering the qualifications in hope of getting more to sign up.)
Mark Sanderson, talk "Love People, Make Disciples." He says "This is truly a historic day in the history of Jehovah's Witnesses."
(Yeah, the last Annual Meeting ever.😃)
Mark says "We must love God, but we must also love people."
(Mark Sanderson is such a hypocrite - what a perfect talk for him to give. Unloving rejector of Jehovah's sheep. Most unloving member of the governing body.🤮)
Many thanks for this year's meeting highlights.
Wonder how next year is going to top this!!!