I wonder, was there any reference at all, even a very oblique one, to the removal of AM3 from the GB? You’d think they might make some kind of vague reference to it, if for no other reason than to avoid the impression that are embarrassed about it.
2023 WTS Annual Meeting?
by careful 33 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
(The entire annual meeting video is available on here now too... https://avoidjw.org/news/jehovahs-witnesses-announce-no-more-requirement-to-report-ministry-hours/ )
No offense SBF, but if you really think that they'd even mention AM III,
I wonder, was there any reference at all, even a very oblique one, to the removal of AM3 from the GB? You’d think they might make some kind of vague reference to it, if for no other reason than to avoid the impression that are embarrassed about it.
then you have no idea how their mind works! You are truly out of touch with "God's earthly spokesmen," SBF!!!
In seems unlikely to me that their motives in slashing hourly requirements are for the benefit of the average publisher. We know that they seldom reveal their true motives for anything, and when they do supply some supposed reason for any change, it's usually some BS, or some PR move, far removed from their real reasons.
Perhaps they want to appoint men without them having to meet the longstanding 10-hour a month requirement. Or maybe there's some legal reason that no one can yet see. Legal reasons are often at work behind their policy changes. Perhaps they see a problem with such in-house data collection and the spirit behind the EU's GDPR. Surely some active Witnesses were irked by having to sign their org waiver to such collection. Even the daft GB can see that the spirit of the GDPR represents the future, and they, in an apparent rare display of insight (warned by Brumley?), are making a move in order to avoid legal problems down the line. These are just conjectures.
In any case, time may reveal more info on the reasons for this change.
As for Cook's "the JW B Broadcast," could it be that he almost let the phrase "the JW BS Broadcast" slip out? Just kidding, of course!
(The video of the annual meeting that was on the avoidjw site has been taken down, but the link to the jwstream recording of the annual meeting is still working...it will probably expire later today.)