2023 WTS Annual Meeting?
by careful 33 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
No more field service report
BREAKING NEWS | Adjustments to Field Service Reporting
On October 7, 2023, at the annual meeting of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania, the following exciting announcement was made. Beginning November 1, 2023, congregation publishers will no longer be asked to report the amount of time they spend in the ministry. Nor will publishers be asked to report their placements, the videos they show, or return visits. Instead, the field service report will simply have a box that allows each publisher to indicate that he or she shared in any form of the ministry during the month. There will be one more box where publishers can report the number of different Bible studies they conduct. Missionaries, circuit overseers and their wives, special pioneers, regular pioneers, and auxiliary pioneers will continue to report the number of hours they spend in the ministry, along with the number of different Bible studies they conduct. Further information about this adjustment will be provided to all congregations in the coming weeks
"Sam Herd said "Beginning November 1, 2023, congregation publishers will no longer be asked to report the amount of time they spend in the ministry. Nor will publishers be asked to report their placements...instead the field service report will simply have a box to indicate that the publisher shared in any form of the ministry." (bold added)
To stop reporting time seems major to me. For decades the Organization has been collecting and reporting hours and placement numbers to show how 'Jehovah's Organization is growing in these critical last days.'
Is Watchtower in such extreme decline that it needs to hide the fact that the numbers are going down? I haven't trusted their numbers for a long time - I feel they simply found ways to spin the numbers into looking better than they really are.
What else will they stop reporting? Maybe the total number of congregations, which has been dwindling too?`
JW GoneBad
Was there any mention at the Annual Meeting about the increase in CSA cases the WT is currently battling?
Beth Sarim
No more Field Serv-us reports?
Is this for real? Or is someone pulling our legs?
Come on!!
It's there in news section of jw. Org
Mark Sanderson releases new brochure, training for ministry, to be used in congregation meetings starting January in Midweek meeting. Less focus on topics for conversation, more on scripting how to show love.
Made available by November 6 for all congregations. Entire symposium also available online on November 6, so all hear at same time. "Isn't that great!"
Mark says it's a new tool to help show love to people.
(🙄How about stop shunning people? How about stop splitting up families? How about protecting CSA victims instead of protecting unrepentant pedophiles? Yeah, right, WTBT$ "love" = looking for more slave labor and donors to support the Bethel commune system. They don't care about people or about Jehovah or about imitating Jesus.)
Mark says about Jehovah that "He has confidence in us." ("Us" meaning the WTBT$.)
(Oh, really, Mark? Jehovah is about to tear down the WTBT$. The FD$ is about to be removed. Jehovah is confident that you will no longer be misleading the sheep. Jehovah is confident that you will be removed. Frauds! WTBT$ liars, misrepresenting Jehovah, hurting His sheep and reproaching His name.)
Mark Sanderson concludes talk and says "Have no doubt that Jehovah will soon richly reward you as we all give generously of our time and our effort to love our amazing god Jehovah and to make disciples."
(Mark, have no doubt that Jehovah is going to soon reward the FD$ for all their reproach on Jehovah's name - their "reward" is the figurative fire where the WTBT$ will be dissolved and where the weeping and gnashing of their teeth will be.)
(After Mark's talk, chairman Kenneth Cook had a slight slip and called the monthly broadcast "the JW B Broadcast" 🤣🤣🤣 as in like JWBorg? Lol!!!)
Edward Bunn from the Central America Branch says the concluding prayer...
"...we are so content to be here, we feel so good about our meeting and the association...express our appreciation...all things will occur according to your will...your name sanctified...we want to see how...they will see how you've protected your interests and you've protected your people...we appreciate that you are the best example of loving us with all of your soul...we pray we can show you our love also...we pray for your blessing over all of the things that have been announced...we give you our thanks Jehovah..."
(The closing prayer was the best part of the meeting. He praised and thanked Jehovah instead of the GB/FD$/WTBT$. He also asked for Jehovah's blessing on those who could not attend. Jehovah will answer that prayer. Jehovah will sanctify His name and take care of all His sheep, despite how the WTBT$ has scattered and crushed so many of them and despite how the WTBT$ has reproached Jehovah's holy name.)
"Wonder how next year is going to top this!!!"
There won't be a WTBT$ Annual Meeting next year.
"No more field service report"
Still a field service report, just modified. Still reporting to men for the sake of praise from men and a measuring stick for obedience to the GB/FD$.
By removing the field service hour measuring, they hope that more men will be recommended as "elders" to support the GB-worship-pyramid-structure.🤑
"Was there any mention at the Annual Meeting about the increase in CSA cases the WT is currently battling?"
Nope. Not. One. Word. They don't care. They won't apologize. They are hypocrites and frauds. They are not faithful nor are they discreet. They are nasty, naughty wolves in sheep's clothing.
Rotten WTBT$. Rotten FD$. That tree's about to be cut down and thrown in the sea, in answer to the prayers of the faithful ones. Jesus will do it.
JW GoneBad
WT Annual Meeting announcement:
Rank & file JW Publisher no longer required to count & report field service time!
Best Annual Meeting ever!🤣