.5% is half of one percent, thank you for that correction. Given the numbers I was using, that's half the flu death rate. The oversight did not effect the conclusion.... just to be clear.
And what about the other studies that support the doctors? Why didn't you mention those in your haste to hurl labels of "falsehoods" and "misinformation"?
No one is fomenting falsehoods and misinformation with the possible exception of those stating that is what others are doing that don't tote the party line. People are trying to get a grip on the death rate and the number of people with antibodies is extremely important for that portrait, not the number of people currently suffering.
In any event, you don’t calculate death rate by dividing the number of deaths by the number who currently have it,
No one did that. They divided the number of deaths by the numerical number that corresponds to the percentage infected in the study.
because that leaves out the people who currently have COVID-19 and will die. You calculate by dividing the number of deaths (currently 23k) by the number of recoveries.
Looks like up to 50% are without symptoms... nothing to recover from. So, that doesn't make sense. Using the number of people with antibodies is far more accurate.
Numbers are changing daily. By the time more deaths are factored in, far more infections have likely spread as well.... making it a wash.
Too much information out there now to put up with the fear mongering by the liberal control freaks who detest Donald Trump and view this crisis as working in their political favor.