Two Doctors Present Local Data from California

by Sea Breeze 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • BoogerMan

    @ slim - you have not addressed the elephant in the room: if Covid 19 is an outright killer on its own, why are millions not dying?

    I don't think you're being accurate when you say that "countless" healthy doctors & nurses have died. Can you provide actual statistics to prove how many "countless" represents? Also, it appears that even the experts don't understand why a very few apparently healthy individuals have died, but they're trying to figure it out - because it shouldn't & doesn't kill the vast majority of healthy persons. Something unknown is involved in such cases.

    "Some researchers have suggested that it could be down to a person's DNA - and are carrying out research to confirm their theory. In particular, experts say gene coding for the cell surface protein angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2), which the coronavirus uses to enter airway cells, could hold the answer."

  • slimboyfat

    You’ve clearly bought into the media narrative that most deaths with Clovid19 “only” occur in old people or people with “underlying health conditions” as if that implies that most people under 60 are safe. Have you considered how many adults have “underlying health conditions” as defined in these terms? Just consider some of the most commonly listed health conditions in these contexts:

    3.6% of adult Americans are immunosuppressed

    10% of adult Americans have diabetes

    33% of adult Americans have high blood pressure

    39% of adult Americans are obese

    15% of adult Americans have kidney disease (this one surprised me)

    ~50% of adult Americans have some form of heart disease

    And that doesn’t exhaust all the medical conditions that have been cited as “underlying conditions” in Covid19 deaths. Even allowing for significant overlap, it’s clear that well over half of adult Americans have at least one underlying condition that would be cited as “explanations” for their death. So we are not talking about a small group of people here, we are talking about the majority of the population. Even if you are relatively young and healthy, are you sure there is no condition in your health history that could be cited as an “explanation” for your death to Covid19? Do you have asthma or other autoimmune disease?

    Most of the deaths I have heard about locally have been men and women in their 50s in work and without obvious health problems, but perhaps had one of the conditions cited, or perhaps none as sometimes seems to be the case.

    Plus there are important open questions surrounding what it even means to “recover” from this illness, since many of those who survived the initial illness appear to suffer many kinds of health problems. Lung, kidney, heart, and other organ damage has been reported in survivors from the disease.

    Angela Merkel gave an excellent speech last week in the Bundestag where she said those in their 70s and 80s (and presumably older) are valued members of German society and are due extra consideration when forming policy, not less, during this crisis. Merkel has been the stand out leader during this crisis. Germany is lucky to have such leadership right now.

    Why are millions not dying?

    1. I don’t know if you’ve noticed but most countries on earth have implemented social distancing on a completely unprecedented scale. That must have something to do with it.

    2. In many countries deaths already exceed deaths during bad years for annual influenza, which occur when no comparable mitigating policies are in place and when vaccines are in widespread use.

    3. It’s not over yet. It’s only just begun and it’s very likely that millions will die, unfortunately.

    4. We don’t have accurate figures from China. It seems at least possible that millions have already died at this point, if the underreporting has been as severe as some suspect it might be.

  • BoogerMan

    I haven't "bought into" anything. I'm weighing up both sides of the argument and I certainly refuse to "buy into" the blatant censorship being carried out in so-called democracies.

    Personally, I'm troubled at people's very short memories when it comes to trusting politicians & MSM. :(

    Perhaps the next annual 'flu season (pandemic) will change a lot of people's perspective on what is going right now. We'll see.

  • FedUpJW

    Not sure who would vote down the facts presented by "boots on the ground" doctors with the credentials to address COVID-19 in an educated way. But if you are THAT afraid, please, by all means STAY IN YOUR HOME AND DON'T COME OUT! Let the rest of us live our lives as free, educated, self-responsible people. And NO I am not saying COVID-19 is not contagious. It is NOT though serious enough to willingly throw away all our rights as live as slaves of well paid politicians and their useful tools in the media or intellectual fields.

  • BoogerMan

    @ fedupjw - So are you saying that VULNERABLE people should self-isolate and take personal responsibility to avoid contagion, and that HEALTHY people should return to normal everyday life? Sounds sensible!

    Quarantining countless millions of healthy people is neither clinically nor scientifically justified. It defies logic.

  • LV101

    I don't know but those 2 doctors on youtube (I didn't watch but heard a bit on news) are in the heart of the world's bread (food) basket and I hope the COVID has at least leveled off/controllable so the AG biz can resume. Farmers in bad shape. Obama axed farmers bad during the smelt fish/aqueduct crisis - no water/crops died and more food lines for migrant workers who work the valley. That was handled foolishly, of course.

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