Circle of the earth

by donkey 36 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • greenf

    Alan you know the Bible does not say the earth is a flat circle surrounded by the dome of the sky. In Isaiah says the earth is a Hhlub meaning a sphere.

    Most honest atheists admit there were massive floods of all the Bible's world of purview, i.e. the Middle East region between the Tigrus and Euphrates.

    It does not say before the Flood animals didn't eat vegetation.

    Actually, it gets the order of creation of life correct.

    The greatest spiritual truth is "treat others right." There's nothing wrong with that either.

  • frenchbabyface

    Well once I was in Martinique on a hill ... in front of the sea ... And you know what ?
    when you watching the horizon of the sea you can see that the earth is rond !!!

    Otherwise the water would fall and it doesn't rain enought to help here ...
    SO Anybody could have figure that out !!! ANYBODY

  • drwtsn32
    Alan you know the Bible does not say the earth is a flat circle surrounded by the dome of the sky. In Isaiah says the earth is a Hhlub meaning a sphere.

    See above... there are many scriptures which indicate bible writers thought the earth was fixed, unmovable, and flat. The Hebrew word used in scripture for "circle" is chuwg. If the Bible writer had meant for us to believe that "circle of the earth" meant that the earth was round, the writer would have used the Hebrew word for "ball," which is duwr. The fact that Isaiah didn't use duwr shows that he wasn't trying to tell us the earth was like a ball.

    Most honest atheists admit there were massive floods of all the Bible's world of purview, i.e. the Middle East region between the Tigrus and Euphrates.

    No one is denying that floods happen. However the bible speaks of a global flood that covered even the tallest mountain. This is impossible, and there is no physical evidence to support such a flood.

    It does not say before the Flood animals didn't eat vegetation.

    I think he meant "didn't eat meat". Gen 1:30 says all living creatures ate vegetation.

    Actually, it gets the order of creation of life correct.

    Actually, it isn't correct. Science says that land animals came before flying creatures.

  • micheal
    If SCIENCE is always right and accurate, we wouldn't have space shuttle accidents would we?

    This truly is the most ludicrous and most idiotic thing I have ever read.

  • Brummie
    As to God knowing everything, you miss the point. He CAN know everything anytime but like humans who don't want to spoil the fun on things equally has the ability to choose not to.

    Hmmm, are you saying that God (who knows everything) chooses to be ignorant? oh dear.


  • drwtsn32
    Hmmm, are you saying that God (who knows everything) chooses to be ignorant? oh dear.

    Isn't that the standard JW belief? God must know everything... all events past and future. But this would seem to indicate that our paths are fixed! How do we get around this troublesome predestination problem? Well maybe God chooses when to look into the future. Yeah, that's it!

  • gaiagirl

    qua wrote:

    "1. There is one single land mass connecting Europe, Africa and Asia."

    Wrong, there are several separate landmasses adjacent. They exist on totally separate continental plates, and the plates move in different directions, at different speeds. This is why mountain ranges such as the Himalayas, the Alps, the Atlas, and others have pushed up, i.e. separate plates pushing against one another. To call this 'one single land mass' is just ignorant.

    "2. There is one single land mass connecting North America and South America."

    Wrong again. North and South America are on totally separate plates, which move in different directions. They only approached one another within the past few million years. Also, Central America is composed of several plates, with very high tectonic activity.

    "3. There is one Australia".

    "4. There is one Antartica."

    Both of these were once part of other land masses, which split apart eons ago.

    "So there indeed is four land masses or corners of the earth."

    If Australia counts as a corner, does Greenland?

    To equate 'land mass' with 'corner' is a gross misrepresentation of what the author of the verse had in mind.

    And how many 'corners' did Earth have when all 'landmasses' were adjacent 250 million years ago, forming the supercontinent, Pangaea?


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