You cant just say logic or the Bible, or Jesus, OK all these things are good, so if not JWs then which option is nearest to these things?
I did not read all 46 pages but I can offer a few suggestions based on a few questions. My apologies for repeating anything.
Do you still prefer Arian Christology over Trinitarian Christology? If so then there may not be too many options since most Protestant churches are largely Trinitarian. I would seek out former witnesses who are Christian. There are some splinter groups from the witnesses. Two that come to mind are The Lord's Witnesses and The International Bible Students Association (yes the original Russelite bible students).
The Christadelphians also believe similar to the witnesses and some even believe that the witnesses stole a lot their theology from them.
Of course, good luck finding these groups locally since the religions are very small but look into them to see if they match your beliefs and values.
Religious affiliation is really about seeking others with similar values and beliefs to your own. There is no absolute truth in terms of religious beliefs.