I'd like to believe God is the way Jesus revealed him to be, loving, compassionate, merciful. So I'm choosing basic Christianity, if it's true then the wheat and the weeds are everywhere, I certainly met a few weeds among the witnesses. We can only do our best as individuals.
If in reality God is like the witnesses say he is; jealous, vengeful, insisting on only worship based on a difficult to find 'accurate' knowledge, if he would kill sincere although misled people for getting it 'wrong', well then he's not very pleasant, and I'd rather not worship him but instead take my chances with the 99.9%.
Its like I'm a parent, imagine I ask my kids to look after something precious to me, but the instructions I leave are confusing and difficult to follow, then they get damaged so you can't even read them properly. I come back to find they've tried their best, are very sincere and wanted to look after the precious thing, but they've got it all wrong because the instructions were a mess. Would I be angry with them? Would I have a right to be angry? As a loving parent, wouldn't I be pleased they did their best, made an effort, had good intentions? Wouldn't I be sorry I didn't make things clearer?
This world's religions & beliefs are a quagmire of confusion, I wouldn't be surprised if all the scriptures are corrupted. As a humanist, atheist, agnostic or theist, the best chance any of us have is to show love, tolerance, kindness and mercy, be thankful for our blessings and hope if there is a god he's a decent guy too.