FormerBrother, the truth closest to the Bible is the Bible I think it is less important to lead you to another group (that has its own agendas) and more important to lead you to what the Bible is all about. I'm not as familiar with Mormonism but I hear it has similar characteristics of the Watchtower; perhaps, that's why it feels comfortable.
You seem to focus on the preaching work exclusively. Have you considered Galatians 1:15-19 that Paul did not preach in twos? Or Acts 8 where Philip meets the Ethiopian eunuch on the road, was he paired up? Where is the biblical command to preach in twos? Yes, Jesus told his disciples to go out make disciples of all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit (hmmm, does the Watchtower do that?) But how to do so was not written in stone. Furthermore, would you agree that the content of preaching is significantly more important than the mere act of preaching? There are many people preaching many things; that doesn't make it true or make them any more righteous, Christian or closer to God. What is being said matters. The phrase "garbage in, garbage out" comes to mind. Is the Watchtower preaching the gospel spread by the apostles? The Watchtower is not the true religion because it teaches clean living or some Biblical truths (and even those lessons are debatable). Most moral and religious systems have many of the same principles. The difference of Christianity is Jesus. Not just that he lived and died (many will admit a historical Jesus), but that he died for our sins, rose from the dead in a physical body, and lives forever to intercede for those who come to God through Him (1 Corinthians 15:1-4; Hebrews 7:25).
Someone mentioned the church without walls; this is not just some hippy-dippy concept. The church is not the building; it is the body of believers in Jesus Christ for salvation and forgiveness of sins. It sounds like you're seeking a physical place of worship. I attend worship services at a church, but first and foremost is what they're saying. I wouldn't advise you to just show up anywhere but many of the 30,000 sects of Christianity will do just fine. And you can definitely cross the WTBTS off the list as they have proven themselves false. Again: start and end with prayer and read the Bible for yourself away from the Watchtower literature. Read entire chapters and books at a time. Just think: do you read other books by jumping from one sentence in Chapter 2 to three in Chapter 5 to the last page? The Bible looks a lot different when you read it in context. Lastly, give yourself time. There is no substitute for hard work. Once you know the Bible for yourself, it's more difficult to be misled by side issues, non-issues and made-up rules. Keep the main thing the main thing--Jesus!