What is the alternative to JW?

by Formerbrother 475 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • jhine

    l think that l have suggested already try the Anglican church . No good asking for answers then ignoring them !



    Former brother, What was the Christian alternative for the first centuries before the bible was compiled?

    What was the alternative for Christianity for the 1850 plus years before the cult of WTS?


    Just asking

  • Formerbrother
    l think that l have suggested already try the Anglican church . No good asking for answers then ignoring them !



    We debunked the Anglican church and other many pages ago, please have another read and if you still think they are the best alternative, can you please state clearly why they have the truth from the Bible?

    But at least you come out with a clear option, so many other posts just say mumbo jumbo like the truth is within you, or some such nonsense.

  • jhine
    Former Brother In whàt way was the Anglican Church debunked ? Because we don't do door to door ? That has been dealt with , it is not necessary to preach in that way . ln fact Jesus said not to do that . You simply cannot let go of JW indoctrination can you ? I wonder what you are trying to achieve on here . You admit problems with the WT , then use it as a yard stick by which to measure other denominations . l think that you are trying to talk yourself back into a KH , but know that there is so much wrong with the org . Jan
  • Acts5v29


    • I just cant see how it doesnt matter to God what you believe or who you follow.
    • It has to matter, there has to be one truth from the bible, not different truths many different interpretations that God is pleased with opposing beliefs?
    • If Jws are not correct, which I will possibly accept, then which option is the correct option that god is pleased with?
    • There has to be one truth, there cant be more than one option. There is no place in the Bible that indicates it doesnt matter if two followers of Jesus teachings have different beliefs about the bible, they are both correct. Think about it.
    This is a misconception - that there is a "one true religion" somewhere. Likewise that there is somewhere which has all the truth on everything in the Bible - there isn't.

    These 2 things are part of the great lie which powers religions - which only leads people to fight and search for something they cannot possibly find.

    The watchtower studies the scriptures more than other religions - so until other religions do the same and compete with them, they will probably suit you best - but there are seriously massive flaws in their belief system, their view of Revelation being one of them, which must disqualify whatever other knowledge they have. In contrast God's purpose - which is not about becoming a perfectly correct walking encyclopaedia - is very simple, and very free, and outside of all religions.

    When we are finally taught by the Divine rather than man-made religions, then we will have truth in everything in the scriptures - but God's purpose needs to come to fruition before that. Why not look at that, because that has great freedom and none of the strife or futile searching that religions have instilled in us all at one time or another.

  • jhine
    " The Watchtower studies the Scriptures more than other religions " ???Can l ask on what you base that statement . The Watchtower studies the the parts of the Bible that they can twist to support their own peculiar theology . Jan
  • Acts5v29

    Well,they seem to - they produce a lot to read (!) which might just be to keep its congregations busy. So man of them have said how difficult it is to "keep up". As for twisting, there is quite a measure of that.

    It's just that the question of what is a better alternative than the watchtower sounds almost like a goad - proffering a touchstone by which to discard the suggestions of others, or a thread by which to promote the watchtower as having no competitiors. I would not accuse a genuine truth seeker of doing that - religions do tend to make us think in their terms, and if one does seek an exit to do so governed by what the religion would term a viable alternative, so that can govern the way we grade advice or even ask for it. I have received emails from [EDIT: concerned] watchtower [EDIT: members] which are quite tortured in their speech, trying to ask a question without committing the sin of asking it - that is a sure sign of how much damage a religion has done to a person.

  • gingerbread

    Take the time to read "Heroes with a Thousand Faces" by Joseph Campbell. You will come to realize how the religions of the world all share the same rituals, creation beliefs and god forms - from the tribal peoples of the Americas to Buddhism to Hinduism to Islam to European Christianity.

    Also, inform yourself about the root beliefs of the American Adventist and it's history. Most of the major doctrines of Jehovah's Witnesses were ripped from the Adventists.


  • jhine
    Acts5v29 I absolutely agree with your comments about the question being loaded . A better way of putting what l was trying to say before . You are right about the WT producing reams of printed material , but l suspect that your comment about it's purpose is correct . However all other denominations also study the Bible A LOT . and in , l would venture to say , a deeper and more intelligent way than the child-like question and answer method of the WT DJS l do hope that you haven't had too many Starbucks yet ! I can visualise bouncing off walls at the very thought of intelligent Bible Study lol .
  • Acts5v29

    Hi jhine,

    I'm not in any religion, I just have a ministry which doesn't demand others have certain beliefs. It is very simple and so complete that I rarely give thought to my own beliefs anymore - like the watchtower, they are nor pertinent to God's purpose.

    Since I'm not allowed to teach, I suppress that urge and honestly feel much better in my ministry for it. But when I see manipulation - done under the banner of service to God - then I feel sick to my stomach and yearn for the day when God will expose it all for what it is.

    best wishes,


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