What is the alternative to JW?

by Formerbrother 475 Replies latest watchtower beliefs


    FormerBrother- You were going to list fruits from the WTS. Did you find any worthy of mention?

    Is there ANY good fruit that comes from the Jehovah's Witnesses?

    And I mean ANY GOOD FRUIT.

    Anyone? Bueller...Bueller...Bueller?
  • jacobm

    Great question, OP!

    First off, the WT uses John 6:68 to support saying "where" instead of "whom":

    English Standard Version
    Simon Peter answered him, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life,

    As I am sure other Christians on this board would agree, Jesus is the alternative. This was extremely hard for me to understand until I had not been at JW meetings for at least 8 months. Jesus is the truth, the way, and the life...according to the Bible.

    Now, the other point wanted to make is whether or not you will decide to remain a Christian is up to YOU! If you are not sure, then you should 1) Take plenty of time to self-reflect and RELAX and 2) Start reading & researching. Perhaps use the method of Deduction, as well as the study Logic, to first decide whether there is a God at all!

    Feel free to read something like Dawkins' book "The God Delusion" and see what that side of the argument has to say. Then, have a look at this Christian Apologetics book: http://www.amazon.com/Dont-Have-Enough-Faith-Atheist/dp/1581345615 . Research both sides of the argument! Your first research should likely be related Theism vs Non-Theism (God vs. no God)!

    Bottom line, take your time. Don't be run by fear or a need to belong. And for heaven's sake: Don't fall into another cult/cult mindset. As Steven Hassan has written about, there are all sorts of cults! Religious, "scientific", political, business, etc. Oh, and read his book "Combating Cult Mind Control".

    Best Wishes!

  • Formerbrother

    So I still cant find a better alternative.

    Until I do I will stick to JWs.

    Can somebody give me a simple alternative closer to the truth, without all this new age mumbojumbo like the truth is within you, or some such meaningless nonsense.

  • jookbeard
    an organization that takes care of it young ones? an organization that does not cover over child abuse, threaten victims with expulsion while perpetrators stay and even die in good standing for years? I would have thought there are many groups with far more exemplary records, the WTS is tainted and stained with this dirty evil seedy cloud hanging over it.
  • jhine

    Amen , Jookbeard .

    Try the Anglican Church , if you want to discuss the Trinity pm me .

    Final word from me .


  • Formerbrother

    an organization that takes care of it young ones? an organization that does not cover over child abuse, threaten victims with expulsion while perpetrators stay and even die in good standing for years? I would have thought there are many groups with far more exemplary records, the WTS is tainted and stained with this dirty evil seedy cloud hanging over it.


    I do not believe anything gets covered over. The policy is, if a paedophile infiltrates the JWs then the police are notified right away.

    Paedos can infiltrate any organisation anywhere, t how they deal with t that is important. The Jws have the best way to deal with it.

    Anyway, what other options are there that follow ALL the bible, not just parts that suit them? Which other option apart fromJWs fullfill Jesus words that this is how you will know my true followers those who have love amung themselves?

    Trying to find an alternative to JW's. After many years, I still can not find any other option that comes as close to ALL the Bible as JWs do.
    If there is an option that I have missed please tell me here, I would like to look into it deeply.

  • jookbeard

    did you see the BBC documentary Suffer The Little Children and the Channel 5 programme Escaping the JW's or any of the streaming from the Australian Royal Commission? I suggest you take a look urgently, your ignorance is really rather embarrassing. This statement in the pic shown sums up the terrible policy. I understand it is very easy for paedophiles to infiltrate religious groups what I dont understand is how or why an organization selected by God to be a his mouthpiece on earth can end up with an endemic record of child abuse cover up going back many many decades where victims and perpetrators have long since passed away and the perpetrators have died in good standing , you lot often speak about how miraculous the holy spirit is in guiding and helping the WTS yet the WTS has been labelled with a nickname of a Paedophiles Paradise truly evil and sick and continues to this day unchanged.

  • punkofnice
    I do not believe anything gets covered over.

    If that's what you believe, then that's what you believe. It doesn't mean what you believe is true. May I refer you to the 'Shepherd the Flock book' and please watch the footage of the Australian Royal Commission.

    The policy is, if a paedophile infiltrates the JWs then the police are notified right away.

    They don't always 'infiltrate'....many are already there. And I think you are mislead. The police are notified right away? I think not, young fella, mi lad! Again...have a butchers at the ARC.

    Trying to find an alternative to JW's. After many years, I still can not find any other option that comes as close to ALL the Bible as JWs do.

    Blimey, mate......you need to take a step back. Breathe. Start again. I think the watchtower propaganda techniques have had an effect on you...not meaning to be rude. why not forget religion for a while and look into 'thought reform', 'logical fallacies' and 'propaganda techniques'.

  • Half banana
    Half banana

    Former brother are you serious in your quest?

    The JW organisation does not care for its young ones at all. It cares not a fig for the terrible mental state of sexually abused young victims in its midst.

    All it cares about is numbers. Numbers of Dollars in the bank, numbers of hours preached and numbers of dim-witted slavish followers. I know because I also am a former brother.

    The children of JW parents are social outcasts, stifled in their self expression, suppressed in their understanding, stunted in their development to the point of losing their identity as individuals and can only cope with life within the prison boundaries of JW thinking. The governing body are reprehensible for this outrage not the poor and helpless victims; the rank and file JWs.

    You don’t really want an alternative do you? Would you rather be kicked in the teeth by a Jehovah’s Witness boot more than any other deluded religion?

    Let me just give you a clue: the Watchtower organisation has never got anything right that is worthwhile knowing in all of its 137 year history. It repeatedly changes its doctrines and regularly makes stupid false prophecies without ever learning from its mistakes... What does this tell you?

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