I don’t know if I really understand your question (I had to ask my son) Abanddon : ... It is the pouty-lipped sultry ticking sex-bomb with a wonderful sense of disenchanted enuii. Makes a man wonder what they look like with a smile on their face... if you know what I mean.
Is this a plan by French women to reduce Frenchmen (and any other men who get in their path) to abject sexual slavery? Do you get lessons on who to do 'the look'? Or are Frenchmen so boring that that is what a woman looks like when you are surrounded by them?
First of:
Even when I’m in the street I’m dreaming or thinking (people I know most of the time have to shake me when they come across … there are those who know and those who don’t know and get mad at me at first) I fall down, and hit some post & people also. I’m just lucky that I don’t put my feet that much on doo-doo … cause you have to know it …