Again and again the Holy Bible has proven its inspired historic accuracy. Check this out:
The Holy Bible proves its inspired accuracy again...
by Derrick 54 Replies latest jw friends
Very good, Derrick. But by the same standard of evidence, James Michener's historical novels must be inspired.
Parts of The Iliad and Odyssey have similarly been proven true. By using Homer's tales Heinrich Schliemann was able to find the location of the ancient city of Troy.
Part of the Old Testament Proven True
OK Derrick, but what about the other 99% of the OT. It only makes the OT more like a Docu-Drama don't you think?
You've got a good point. Proving the historic accuracy of the Bible is nevertheless important. The Bible is not necessarily inspired because of its proven historic accuracy. I will agree to this point. However, set aside any skepticism you may have for a moment to consider a very important point: If the Bible was proven as NOT historically accurate then skeptics could dismiss its Author. Any further attempts to prove its divine inspiration would be easy to invalidate. I cannot emphasize enough the importance of removing the barriers of historic accuracy in order to clear the overgrowth blocking the path to the one universal truth.
That is one of the things the WTBTS claims that the bible is historically accurate I don't think there is evidence of being divinely inspired from this article . It is very interesting tho how the bible does name places and people that science disbelieves until they find some evidence such as king nebochadnezzer . At least they have a name for the who ordered the buiding to take place but I think it would be more interesting if they found the name king hezekiah carved somewhere.
If the Bible was proven as NOT historically accurate then skeptics could dismiss its Author
That's not too difficult: the Global Flood - never happened. Jehovah, you are dismissed.
Yeah so?
I walked through Hezekiah's tunnel several years ago when I was in Israel. What does that prove about the writer of the Old Testament who mentioned it? Nothing, except that he may have seen the water gushing through the tunnel and wrote about. It would have been pretty hard to avoid noticing a tunnel that large in Jerusalem at that period of time, with no trees/shrubs/bushes blocking its view.
I can walk over a bridge to get to my house, then write about that bridge. Wow, I must be inspired! You seem to feel that because a writer of the Bible was capable of accurately describing something once (or twice or three times, doesn't matter), it's a case for inspiration. Come on, it would be pretty ridiculous if so many writers got absolutely everything wrong. Just the mathematical odds would indicate that once in awhile they'd be right, particularly about something that large staring them in the face.
The Holy Bible proves its inspired accuracy again...
Now thats got to be the dumbest post title I've seen so far....
Yes, they've also found that there is fact in the Egyptian Hieroglyphs, ergo All hail Amun-RA!!!!!!