"Secret Online Affairs"

by YoursChelbie 53 Replies latest jw friends

  • Yerusalyim

    I've cybered more than once in my life...I guess you could say I sorta had an online fling...except that my wife knew about it...in fact rarely did my conversations with the gal turn to sex but my wife thought we were always cybering.

    We mutually agreed to not look and see if the other was cybering...that is until she started doing the deed for real. We almost divorced (probably should have) we were seperated for a month about a year ago (as many of you will remember).

    I think she's cybering again, though I can't prove it...one of the suspicion things that has my spider senses tingling...one night she brought home her girlfriend all ready for the GF to give me a well, what Bill Clinton was getting in the Oral Oval Office. I turned her down...I've not yet cheated on my wife inspite of what she's done. My problems ain't over...I may end up DXing her anyhow. For now I'm playing it cool...haven't cybered in ages.

  • TresHappy

    I advised my coworker NOT to tell her husband. Her husband can be a real jerk, especially after a few beers and I worry for her safety. This guy she cybered with is about the same age, and used the stamp online community to hunt for ladies. I think they cybered for 2 or 3 years before they actually met in person, so it was sort of building up over time, it almost had to happen in her head. She says she loves her husband and doesn't want a divorce. But messing with this guy again under a different screen name is begging for trouble. She told me she wanted to see him and thought about going to that stamp/coin convention again this year. She told me it was in our state and she has considered just surprising her cyberboyfriend. That's when I decided my advice was falling on deaf ears. Her daughter has also advised against this, but my coworker even lost 30 lbs in the anticipation that she may see him later this year. This lady has so much going for her, but her obsession with this stamp dude is going to cost her everything!

  • animal

    Way back when Al Gore invented the internet, a buddy of mine used to cruise the IRC chatrooms. He would make his online persona as a female, and cruise the lesbian rooms. He had a blast, even got some online cybering going, with the lesbians. Of course, he would save the text and email it to us.... those were the days.


  • YoursChelbie

    That was my question, why would someone who is married engage in frequent and time consuming online "conversations" with a person of the opposite sex--in the middle of the night?

    I think that it all boils down to the fact that there does exist a real threat that person's marriage. So, what each one has to ask her/himself is:

    Is pursuing the online "relationship" worth it?

    This poster summed it up well.

    ..... in the anticipation that she may see him later this year. This lady has so much going for her, but her obsession with this stamp dude is going to cost her everything!
  • Stacy Smith
    Stacy Smith

    Animal I wonder if that was your buddy that used to send me photos of his boobs???

    stillajwexelder as jwbot asked do you think it's a totally loveless marriage? Is there anything that can be done or should you just get moving towards the divorce?

    Yeru I think you're the first guy that has turned down oral in history. Or the first human as far as that goes.

  • joannadandy

    Cygnus and I had an affair?

    WHERE THE HELL WAS I?? I always miss the good stuff--damn my narcolepsy!

  • stillajwexelder

    STacy Smith -- I am the eternal optimist -- as Captain Kirk said in The Wrath of Khan -- I do not believe in the no-win situation (the kobioshi maru) I always like to think there are possibilities.

  • teejay

    Mates who live together have every advantage and every opportunity to have a relationship with their mate. If either of them fails to take advantage of those advantages and the close proximity to the other and they end up losing out to a cyber relationship (like my next door neighbor did), then it's their fault and they have no legitimate argument to stand on. They lost because they were meant to lose.

    "Marriage For Life" is, for most people, a preposterous idea anyway. Some time it's time to move on.

  • stillajwexelder

    Yes if you belive in the laws of genetics/survival of the fittest/ services to the gene pool/evolution etc; monogamy is not ideal (for either male or female) -- look at a fit male lion -- it has a whole pool of females to itself -- it passes on its strong survived genes and so on -- but that is the scientist in me-- cyber sex -- I suppose the scientist/techie can have a stronger chance of passing on his genes - which is of benefit to the species as the world gets more technical/technological -- so cybersex is of benefit to the gene pool and hence mankind in the long run

  • sf
    I had a secret online affair with Joanna Valis Mouthy Farkel, and it was the best sex of my life.





    sKally, cygsnuts just wishes the best sex he had was with farkel, klass!!!!

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