Reflecting on the fact that the AR-15 has been the weapon of choice for some the most recent massacres , even to the extent of adding a bump stock attached turning the gun into a full automatic , I think the point is made.
Cause of Mass Shootings Mental Health?
by blondie 150 Replies latest jw friends
So then the equation is this ......
Mental illness + guns to facilitate a massacre successfully = mass shootings with high number of fatalities
Or is there some other rational way you can define these types of weapons?
In Australia, the solution was to ban private individuals from owning any semi-automatic weapon. Obviously there were many outraged at the time, but people soon realised that pretty much any legal use of a firearm could be done with a bolt action or lever action firearm. Problem solved.
A bump stock does not turn a semi auto to a full auto but to try to educate the liberal idiots who think they know things when they are ignorant of the facts is a waste of time.
No mandatory buy back will even work. The only people who will turn them in are people who have inherited them or stolen them. Not one of mine will ever be turned in.
A bump stock does not turn a semi auto to a full auto
Here Rickroll lets educate yourself
Not one of mine will ever be turned in.
awww your worried that someone might take away your boom boom sticks.
Rick sounds like these people who are afraid of not having the appropriate firearms he needs to protect himself from other American citizens who have their own weaponry to use against other American citizens.
Its a vicious circle isn't it ?
AR-15s function in exactly the same way as other rifles, and they are no more powerful than other rifles of the same caliber.
Yea and cuz they are exactly like other rifles is exactly why they are the PREFERRED weapon for mass shooters and for, wait for it, crazy militia people, who are waiting for the army to come get them, or a wave of millions of jews/blacks/hispanics, to rush their compound. (or to protect their white way of life).
It's also why the military uses M15 (fully auto AR15s), just cuz they are like every other rifle.
I have so had it with Gun Lovers (people haters), my message to all of you is - F you go F your gun barrel.
FYI - I grew up with guns and hunting. My dad and mom never needed an AR-15 to bag their yearly deer. They didnt have guns to protect themselves because they were chickensh#t cowards afraid of anyone who looks different coming to steal their TV.
Yea and cuz they are exactly like other rifles is exactly why they are the PREFERRED weapon for mass shooters
They’re also the most popular gun in the nation.
And if you do your research, most mass shootings actually occur with pistols.
The media doesn’t like covering those, though.
Ar-15 or Ak-47 etc. rifles are not made by design originally for hunting wildlife.
Neither is any other gun design. What’s your point in saying that? All gun designs are used in war. The “weapons of war” argument is bullshit.
Every gun design in existence began as a weapon of war.