HURRICANE to hit NOVA SCOTIA today..are you READY?

by Special K 59 Replies latest jw friends

  • SanFranciscoJim

    To all the Nova Scotia participants:

    Please check in with us after the storm's passage to let us know how you fared. I will be calling several friends up there in the morning to make sure they made it through without incident.

    Jim (of the "I Survived Hurricane Hugo" class)

  • rocketman

    I hope all up there fare well.

    Missed by Isabel class

  • Xandria

    Batten down the hatches and hope to hear from you all.


  • shamus

    My advice?

    Get some nets, and put them up by the ocean ASAP. Hopefully the cod will blow into it, and you can have dinner!

    Seriously, though, be safe. It looks like a nasty storm surge coming...

  • Special K
    Special K

    Halifax Regional Municipality Mayor declares state of emergency as of 9 pm ...

    Mandatory evacuations are now under way..

    all low lying areas urban and within Hfx .. to evacuate homes along harbour and go to local fire halls and designated evacuation centers.

    Mandatory evacuation for the coast line Old Sambro.. to Clam Harbour..

    11:30 pm.. first time in history the two bridges in Halifax have been closed down completely.. no traffic on either bridge allowed due to high winds.

    Power is flickering..

    gotta go

    special k

  • SanFranciscoJim

    (AP Photo)
    Hurricane Juan Strikes Nova Scotia

    Hurricane Juan Strikes Nova Scotia, Forcing Evacuation of Hundreds From Low-Lying Areas
    The Associated Press

    HALIFAX, Nova Scotia Sept. 29 ? Hurricane Juan struck Nova Scotia late Sunday, forcing the evacuation of hundreds of people from low-lying areas, even as the storm was downgraded to a Category 1 hurricane.

    The storm brought 80 mph winds and torrential rains, uprooting trees and knocking out power to significant areas of Halifax, the largest city on Canada's east coast.

    Downed tree limbs cartwheeled through city streets as massive oak trees were knocked over in a downtown park. Several cars were damaged.

    Blackouts were reported throughout the city as rising water levels lapped at the pavement surrounding the Halifax harbor front.

    "We think it's pretty serious," said Peter Bowyer, program manager of the Canadian Hurricane Center in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia.

    By early Sunday evening, Juan was downgraded to a Category 1 hurricane, which has winds ranging from 74 mph to 95 mph.

    The swirling storm system, measuring about 175 miles wide, was moving north at near 32 mph.

    Canadian officials issued hurricane wind warnings for Nova Scotia.

    The evacuation, part of a local state of emergency, began around 8 p.m. EDT as winds picked up and rain started to fall.

    The storm was expected to track from Halifax through central Nova Scotia, losing its hurricane strength by the time it reached Prince Edward Island.

    A storm surge warning for waves over three feet was issued for the Halifax area and communities west of the city, including those along the picturesque south shore near Mahone Bay.

    Meteorologists warned of coastal flooding, even in downtown Halifax, as the arrival of Juan was expected to coincide with high tide.

    Margaret Murphy, spokeswoman for Nova Scotia Power, said crews were on standby to deal with any power outages.

    The last hurricane to hit Nova Scotia was Gustav on Sept. 12, 2002. It caused little damage, though it dumped nearly 4 inches of rain and had wind speeds of over 75 mph.

    Meanwhile, Tropical Storm Kate swirled in the Atlantic far from land, a day after forming. Its center was about 1,240 miles southwest of Lajes in the Azores Islands. At 11 p.m., Kate had maximum sustained winds near 60 mph and was moving north northeast near 12 mph.

    Juan arrives a week after Hurricane Isabel hit the U.S. coast, killing 40 people from North Carolina to New Jersey and knocking out electrical service to 6 million customers as far north as New York. About 166,000 customers in the hardest-hit areas of Virginia and North Carolina remained without power Sunday, said Dominion Virginia Power, the area's dominant utility.

    The Atlantic hurricane season began June 1 and runs through Nov. 30.


    A four storey apartment building has collapsed in Dartmouth (across the harbour from Halifax). A couple of persons are trapped, and the rest of the folks have been evacuated from the building.

    Winds are VERY strong, gusts up to 100 mphheavy rain.

    Power outtages, and it's high tide right now. Ugh!

    I hope everyone is OK down there. I have plenty of family (relatives) in the region.

    I hope this storm passes quickly, and with no more damage.

    Hoping to get A-OK reports from our exJW members.

  • shamus

    Keep safe guys! You probably can't read this right now... in case you can, stay safe! It's going to be a nasty storm!

    We're not too used to these in Canada, eh!

  • Special K
    Special K

    We are OKAY here.....where I am... IT WAS NASTY !!!

    Two deaths so far.. paramedic dead after a tree fell on top him or his ambulance while parked at the Queen Elizbeth 2.. Hospital.. man dead in Enfield after a tree fell on his vehicle..

    Very close to me they are using SNOW PLOWS to clear some of the roads. There is so much debris rocks, sea weed, wood etc washed up and over on the roads. 5 schools closed in my area.

    Halifax.. asking non essential people not to go to work..

    Approximately 200 people transitted from partially collapsed building in Dartmouth to evacuation centre through the night.

    All univerisities, schools, Transit buses shut down today.

    The MacDonald bridge is still closed down across Halifax Harbour..

    Heavy Rain.. still pouring here.. as well as in Halifax.

    Extra police officers have been brought into the city.

    Haven't read anything from talesin.. the past 24 hours hope everything is okay. I'll send him a pm..Probably has no power.

    Special K

  • Special K
    Special K


    They evacuated the "Hurricane Centre" in Halifax for several hours last night..


    19th floor of center... building swaying..water flopping in toilets....


    special k

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