HURRICANE to hit NOVA SCOTIA today..are you READY?

by Special K 59 Replies latest jw friends

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Glad to hear you are okay K.

    After a night awake some might be sleeping later this morning - I hope

  • orangefatcat

    I hope all of our friends in the Maritimes are alright and were able to prepare for this disaster.

    Flashlights, batteries, water, tarps, candles all the necessitities. Oh like everyone else on the board we love you all and are in our deep thoughts and concerns.

    Be strongs and think of us and our love for all of you.

    Your loving friend

    Orangefatcat, Terry.

  • SanFranciscoJim

    I just got off the phone with Nova Scotia moments ago. The neighborhood where my home is located (south of Halifax) was hit directly by the eye, but fortunately there were no injuries or serious damage to properties there. My aluminum garden shed blew down, and a lot of trees were uprooted. The "For Sale" sign in front of my house blew away. Not much damage, considering what happened to other areas closer to the city.

    The worst problem there will be restoration of electricity. Homes out there are not on the city water system. With each house having a well, there will be no water until power is restored. My neighbor said that Nova Scotia Power is projecting 3-5 days before electrical service is fully restored.

  • missylissy

    Hey everyone. Wow, the hurricaine sure hit hard in Halifax and truro areas. I was just talking to my mom's step mother, in truro, and she was telling me how awful it was! She couldnt even sleep in her bedroom, cause tree limbs were hitting her roof, and the whole tree almost blew down.

    We didnt get much here in the valley, a little rain, a little wind, and SOME people lost their power. school wasnt even cancelled *pouts* but at least we were safe.

    Best wishes going to the metro people who were hit so hard last nite. ((people)) Stay Safe.


  • Smyler

    I'm here too!

    My power was out from about 3am to 9am this morning. I woke up this morning at 6 and smelled smoke, looked out my window and my power transformer was on fire! and the tree leaves were catching too, good thing it rained last night tho!

    We called Nova Scotia Power but it kept hanging up on us, so we called 911. The FD came but they couldn't do anything because you don't spary water on burning power lines! One of the firefighter told us that some on the telephone lines were down in Halifax so thats why we couldn't get through.

    Finally we got a hold on NSP and around 9am they came out and put the fire out and cut down the top of the tree, which I had to clean up!

    So to say the least, I had a eventful morning.

    Anyways, I'm safe! Talesin, please reply to make sure you're ok!


  • pettygrudger

    Talesin & Shera - report in asap - worried about you guys!!!!

  • concerned mama
    concerned mama

    Missy and Smyler,

    Glad to hear that you two are OK and hope the others will check in soon.


  • Special K
    Special K

    Halifax streets are a mess ....and with no power people just get a bit crazy..

    Halifax is still under localized state of emergency tonight.. Monday night..

    600 Canadian troops being sent into to halifax to help with the clean up efforts..

    special k

  • Aztec

    Thought I'd let ya know---I talked to Talesin on the phone tonight and she's fine. No electricity but otherwise she's okay. She said there were alot of trees down and not too many stores open but she's surviving on chips and blueberries...LOL! I'm sure she'll be back, happily posting away as soon as she has power restored.


  • shera

    Hello people,I'm back.

    My power was back today around 11:am and just got internet back.Whoo hoo!

    My neigbour hood,was hit pretty hard,I couldn't believe the trees and the damage done to business areas.This is not something halifax and darmouth is used to.Power lines were down,a construction tralior was flipped over,docks were torn to peices,windows smashed in...street signs/ and signs to stores were twisted.Apartments were torn down and other places lost their roofs.One street,just about every tree was down and the power lines.There was flooding,some cars were flipped over away from here.I was like WOW. This wasn't expected,when ever we had other storm warnings,by time they get to us,they down grade to a tropical storm.I'm just glad its over and we are all ok.

    Thanks for caring everyone.


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