Death - the downside of having friends...

by LittleToe 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • termite 35
    termite 35

    (((Ross))) thinking of you today while you're saying goodbye to your friend.

    I have lost nine friends and family in the past 3 years now-some were expected-some sudden; I've felt lately that friends are SO precious, we have to look after them and love them while we can.

    And we have to tell them that while they're still here.

    You're special to me too; hope this coming year will be a happy one for you.

  • Angharad


    So sorry for your losses.


    (thanks to Qwerty, btw)

    He got me in here, unbeknownst to him.

    (((LT))) hope a guy to guy hug is not out of place here.

    When I think back to why I arrived here at JWD, I think back to a week prior to my arrival here.

    My very dear and close friend, whom I HURT for more than anyone could ever know: passed away suddenly, in his sleep at home, while I was at work.

    My buddy Rob, whom would have been 37 a couple of days later, died just before New Years 2003. He and I were to hang out and celebrate together: but it never happened.

    When I got the news that my friend Rob had passed away due to a brain aneurysm, I never cried so hard for any person, in recent memory.

    I think of how it must feel for you, to lose your friends. It's never easy.

    I still miss Rob, daily. There's a part of life missing. He was a GOOD friend, and BEST BUDDY!

    I extend my condolences LT, because losing a friend is not easy to endure.

    I hope you'll get through this. It's not easy, and I don't think we can pretend for it to be otherwise.

    It does help to discuss it.

    Missing my friend Rob (Dec.29/02) and Nina (Oct.4/02). Two people gone too soon.

  • Shutterbug

    Have you thought to yourself that you should go and see an elderly or very ill friend and didn't get around to it due to a busy schedule or even wanting to do other things, and the friend died before you could see him/her? That has happened to me on a few occasions, and believe me, it is not always easy to live with that little oversight. If you should have a thought, such as the one described above, act on it, go see the person in your thoughts. Bug

  • LittleToe

    Thanks for the condolences, folks, They are truly appreciated.

    Shutterbug:I had that happen last year. I never got to visit one of my friends who was terminally ill with cancer. They passed so quickly!!!
    I vowed that I would never pass up an opportunity again.

  • Flowerpetal

    I lost my mom in June of this year. My dad died in 1988 so I am an orphan, now. When I went to visit my hometown in August, I was shocked to find many of my school mates who had died. Some went on to live hard, brief lives and that is sooo sad. Hugz to you {{{{{{{{LittleToe}}}}}}}

  • gumby


    I wish I could give my buddy a hug right now

    I liked what exjw vitamin b12 said,

    So many in such a short time. Puts one's own mortality into perspective, not to mention the importance of telling those close to you that you love them.

    I agree with this 100% and need to constantly remember this! We NEVER know WHO we are going to lose and when. Your friends were lucky to have a friend such as you. If there is life after death somewhere.....I'm sure you will see them there.


  • LittleToe

    Just heading out to that second funeral

    Catch ya laters, guys.

  • StinkyPantz

    ((Little Toe))

    I have only lost one friend my whole life. When I was five her father took her life along with her siblings and himself. I've never truly gotten over it.

    I just try to remember the fun we used to have. . it helps. She was beautiful. . .

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