1. Are you an exJW, but still have remnants (shhh) of former JW thinking? Yes I am an ex-jw. Yes I still have remaining remnants of that belief structure.
2. Are you 'out' there? as in, not afraid to be seen on an apostate site, or known to be a former JW? I was an elder and very active at one time, so everyone I know views me as a former JW.
3. Are you angry, bitter or sad, as a result of your exposure and participation in JW activities/lifestyle? I know I would have had my college degree by now.
4. Do you still have this feeling 'Armageddon' could still come anyday or in the future? Not consciously. But, I do have vivid dreams. One dream a booming cloud looms over me and then with the crashing of the thunder and a crack of lightening I hear "I am Jehovah, I will not be mocked" then iminent destruction looms....thats when I awaken in a bath of sweat.
5. What was your biggest epiphany that lead you to leave the JWs, or at least make plans to do so? Finding a woman, it wasnt til after I was DF that I began to surf the net about ex-jw sites etc. I would never ever have done that If I wasnt df'ed.
6. Do you still read/believe in the bible? No, dont think I ever will either.
7. Do you still believe in god/higher power? Agnostic
8. Do you accept other exJWs with opposing views than yours: athieism/agnostic vs. belief in god/higher power? (vice-versa) I enjoy reading their reasoning.
9. Do you grade people on their disfellowshipping offenses? ie: apostacy, fornication, smoking etc. No, no, no, no,....did I mention my awnser is NO.
10. Are you still a JW? (no names required) No, been df for about 3 yrs now. The healing process is long.
11. Anything you'd like to add, for what it's worth? Like one of the other posters, I did get benefits from being a witness. I am not sure if I would have survived my late teens and early 20's if I didnt have witness belief system.I really enjoy reading posts on here. I have always enjoyed live stories. I do like the fact that we keep updated on here as regards "new light", scandals, changes etc. Peace be with you all.