I genuinely think female jehovahs witnesses are very demeaned. They not only put up with embarrassing levels of chauvinism ( cannot hold a mic, witness Samuel Herds “small brains” speech) but to add insult to injury they expected to be the work horses of the outfit, so they get the worst of both worlds.
I agree Diogenesister, I regular pioneered for ten years when it was 100 and then 90 hours unpaid work a month. We worked part-time to support ourselves, all of which went on rent, food and ministry clothes. We pioneers were the first to be asked to do demonstrations at the KH or on an assembly. If the KH or assembly hall needed deep cleaning or painting guess who they asked to do it?
We picked up our bible studies to take them to meetings and assemblies and took them out in FS. We visited 'sisters' who were elderly, ill or depressed. Women made cakes for pioneer schools and if there was a social event prepared all the food. As a young pioneer I was invited to the AGM one year to do what, serve food all day of course.
All this, then patted on the head in KH talks and co visits as our 'dear sisters' with their emotional vicissitudes, the weaker vessels that brothers have to make allowances for.