Ladies First

by snugglebunny 70 Replies latest jw friends

  • Xanthippe
    I genuinely think female jehovahs witnesses are very demeaned. They not only put up with embarrassing levels of chauvinism ( cannot hold a mic, witness Samuel Herds “small brains” speech) but to add insult to injury they expected to be the work horses of the outfit, so they get the worst of both worlds.

    I agree Diogenesister, I regular pioneered for ten years when it was 100 and then 90 hours unpaid work a month. We worked part-time to support ourselves, all of which went on rent, food and ministry clothes. We pioneers were the first to be asked to do demonstrations at the KH or on an assembly. If the KH or assembly hall needed deep cleaning or painting guess who they asked to do it?

    We picked up our bible studies to take them to meetings and assemblies and took them out in FS. We visited 'sisters' who were elderly, ill or depressed. Women made cakes for pioneer schools and if there was a social event prepared all the food. As a young pioneer I was invited to the AGM one year to do what, serve food all day of course.

    All this, then patted on the head in KH talks and co visits as our 'dear sisters' with their emotional vicissitudes, the weaker vessels that brothers have to make allowances for.

  • zeb

    just fine blondie and really you others .

    I love your insights and way of doing things.

    big hugs


    Live long and prosper in wisdom health and love..

  • LoveUniHateExams

    I genuinely think female jehovahs witnesses are very demeaned - please read Cofty's post immediately below yours because he nailed it: female JWs are demeaned but not really oppressed ... certainly not as oppressed as male JWs.

    I agree Diogenesister, I regular pioneered for ten years when it was 100 and then 90 hours unpaid work a month - supported financially by your husband or parents? ... this isn't oppression, Princess.

    Edit: nice post Zeb.

  • Simon

    I hold a door open for anyone, but hate when people don't follow the rules:

    Say thank you, don't just waltz through as though I'm your butler.

    Don't hold the door open for me if I'm more than 8 feet from it, it makes me feel obliged to speed up and I had no plans to do that.

    When it comes to being polite, something that really annoys me is when you are at a pub or restaurant and the wait staff (usually a young girl) brings the food to the table and you see people going "oooh, now what did we order? let's just make you stand there holding these heavy, possibly hot, plates while we finish our conversation, don't bother to move our glasses and certainly don't tell you where each plate goes or, heaven forbid, reach to take them".

    Just so rude and inconsiderate. That's what being polite comes down to - showing consideration to others, maybe doing something small, almost insignificant, that might make their day, or at least that moment, just slightly better than it might have been.

  • Diogenesister
    Cofty Elders got it bad too post ( sorry cannot paste it all)

    Ok I’m not going to disagree that males can also be exhausted by a heavy workload but, come on, they are also accorded endless respect and at least have the opportunity to reach executive positions. They are also privy to the inner workings of the cult and therefore far more likely to wake up. Or at least have the option to see the truth which many do not take simply because of the honour they are accorded and/or their lives are pretty cushy*. Remember they may have a heavy workload but guess who is supporting that heavy workload, yes, you guessed it, a woman.

    Remember also my main point was not the work aspect but the level of oppression women in the west can and do experience, remember Watchtower takes every opportunity to malign it’s women.

    *JT has made a video touching on this subject.

  • Diogenesister
    LUHE supported financially by your husband or parents? ... this isn't oppression, Princess.

    Xanthippe stated she worked part time to support herself

  • LoveUniHateExams

    Xanthippe stated she worked part time to support herself - so she worked part time but was financially independent? ... i.e. her part time job paid all her bills and allowed her to be independent?

    You'll have to forgive me because it was unclear from her post.

    I hold a door open for anyone, but hate when people don't follow the rules - just be polite and show the same politeness to anyone, and expect the same in return, regardless of gender? Yep, this makes sense and is the gist of Blondie's and others' comments.

  • TD

    They are also privy to the inner workings of the cult and therefore far more likely to wake up.

    JW males take a level of verbal abuse (Behind closed doors) that I've only ever seen in the military. --Dressing downs one step below the level of expletives. I agree that this probably does make them more likely to wake up, but I also think it adds to the point Cofty was trying to make.

    Personally, I think it's very difficult for men and women to draw valid conclusions about each other's lives, because empathy is not the same as walking a mile in the other person's shoes, so to speak. The whole Garden of Eden / Weaker vessel philosophy strikes me as very demeaning to women and it's only the most liberal forms of Christianity that rise above it.

    JW's don't even come close. My wife told me once about a convention where they put brown paper over the mirrors in the women's restrooms, apparently because some buffoon thought the long lines were caused by women preening themselves in the mirror

  • jp1692

    If I’m first to the door, I hold it open for anyone regardless of their sex or gender.

  • Doctor Who
    Doctor Who

    Just my 2 cents...stop trying to compare who has it worse, JW males or females. It's like comparing apples to oranges. They are BOTH in a fucken cult that in every situation it can, makes you feel like shit. Being a male, I have no idea how the sisters made it thru each day. And as a brother, I wanted to just say "fuck it, or fuck you" at almost every meeting because of the endless bullshit they put me thru. It's an organization that beats you down relentlessly and then asks you to do more.

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