Good News and Bad News

by cruzanheart 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • cruzanheart

    Okay, gumby, would you feel the same way if your family jewels, your meat 'n two veg (well, the two veg anyway) were about to get permanently removed? Even though I don't plan to use my, um, baby factory anymore, I'm sorta attached to it, know what I mean? IT'S THE PRINCIPLE OF THE THING!


  • cruzanheart

    P.S. Gumby, thanks for making me laugh!


  • myself

    (((((((Nina)))))) sorry to hear about the health issues. Were you able to tell physically any difference before the checkup that there were any changes due to the bone degeneration?

    Congratulations on the good news of Chris' job shift change, excithing news for your family.

  • myself
    Even though I don't plan to use my, um, baby factory anymore, I'm sorta attached to it, know what I mean?

    Nina, I had a hysterectomy at the age of 32, look at it this way, they are taking out the carraige and putting in a playpen.

  • cruzanheart

    Nope. Felt fine. Still do. My stomach is a little poochier than usual, but when I asked hopefully about that I was told it wasn't the tumors. Oh well, back to the gym . . . . I have had back pain but put it down to stress and have been seeing a chiropractor who has helped me tremendously. Guess I'd better tell him what he's working with . . . .


  • Inquiry

    Hi Nina...

    I just want to tell you that I have a friend who worked her way back to health regarding osteoporosis... she's been working on it for about 4 or 5 years now and is doing very well... she's gained back a lot of density... excercise does work, and walking... lots of walking... diet is good too... stop drinking pop!..... pop bad, water good... eat well and work out girl! Lift them weights... build that body...

    Sorry to hear about those fibroids... they suck... but, I know people who have had hysterectomies and have no problems with it at all... I actually envy them...but I hear you on the attachment thing.. I hate surgeries period but we have to do what we have to do...

    sending my best wishes... and congrats for hubby... nice to have family time together!


  • StinkyPantz


  • bebu


    So sorry you're good news got tempered by bad news. But I'm so glad that you've got some good news in BT's job, and also good news in that you have conditions that are both treatable.


  • LyinEyes

    Nina,,,,,,,,,, I had to have my tubes tied when Chance was born, almost doctors orders, because they thought he had a rare genetic problem. Remember he was 2 months early, had kidney and lung problems...???? Turns out it was just a minor little urinary abnormality that caused all the life and death problems. But point is,,,,,,,,, I will never have another baby . I know many of you know what this feels like, even if you, as i do,,,,,,never conscienceously want other children.......just knowing you wont, you an end.

    Sometimes things just seem to take us off guard and make us face what we dont choose,... sorry Nina that life is doing this to you . You have a wonderful family, as do I, but still,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,just hugs......hon I think I can understand just a bit of what you mean.............Last year I had a biopsy I had to wait for 3 weeks for the results, it was the hardest, longest weeks of my life,,,,,,,,it sure made me see to live for the day,,,,,,,,,each and every precious moment of it. But everyonce in awhile it is ok, to just get pissed, upset , mad, and out right mad, that things are taken away before you decide it,,,,,,,, I know ,you know what i mean.

    Talk to you soon, love ya dede

  • Hamas

    Aww Nina (hug)

    I'm sorry to hear that.

    I hope it all goes ok... I'm sure it will be ok.

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