while the VP's golf for a living and collect mega money. Sickening.
HSBC can go to h...
by Elsewhere 55 Replies latest jw friends
while the VP's golf for a living and collect mega money. Sickening.
HSBC can go to h...
A certain company where I live lost hundreds of millions of $$$$, yet the four top executives made a combined $150 million that year. It only made the back page of the business section.
executive needs a raise--quick!! give the outsourcing company a call!!! more business to India !!
I didn't want to look at the answer was just waiting for PM's but Ooops !!!
WILL : if you were talking about what I've said :
By paying lower wages,
Who said that ???
Will the services be any cheaper for the consumer? I doubt it
You can doubt ... but still the answer is Yes !!!
Its just another money grab to increase big business profit margins. Instead of making only 5 billion dollars a year, they can increase that to 6 billion dollars. Like someone else said "we cannot all be brain surgeons or rock stars". The world economy cannot support the "American Dream" of everyone owning an SUV, two car garage and color TV sets. Like another poster said, "There is a price to pay for every single convenice we enjoy, for everything we enjoy, someone else somewhere is paying the price". Its a separation of the upper and lower classes.
I agree with that !!!
I feel sorry for any young ones just starting out in the job market.
I do too ... cause I know why ... and I just don't want to start a business on the existent concepts just because of that !!!
What do they expect a person that is 40 or 50 to just start their careers over? These greedy corperation don't give a crap. All they are care about is their profit margins.
Well their is a way to get over that !!!
We have an very, very, very easy an progressive economical way to take over the problem here ... and we should try it. And again the most interesting part of it is that it is a business !!! YES ... but it can't be done by only one person all alone ... not even 10 ... but 30 would be enough to initiate it ...
If people are reacting about Economy (who is related to everyone is this world) like they are reacting about the WTBS about what have been said on this Topic related to victoria Boer http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/6/60085/1.ashx ? and don?t realised what means what have been said on this Topic http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/14/60171/1.ashx
WELL we are not ready to get out of trouble !!!
If you think I?m stupid enough to say that without knowing what I?m talking about ... What can I say ??? Hum ??? Give me a chance !!! but maybe you just don't want to hear about it ... so now my question is WHY ???
Do you think I didn't talk about it already, the ones who didn't understand are only the once who didn't give me enough credit before to get the all picture and realised how easy it is (just because they are busy or a bit too septique before to get all the information needed to understand) The others onces are reacting like in the Topics mentionned before ... or are telling me it is AMAZING ... JUST DO IT ... Again ... all alone ??? We need more than 3 people involved around the world to initiate this business !!! and for some reason we need technicians first (operating system and security / webmastering) ... and those who got the all picture are not technicians they are just waiting ... Now to get technician involved I think that if lots of people understand and Say ... Hey I'm interrested ... they will know that they can make their own business this way and realised that they will have an advantage to be on the first line ... (and lots of business will follow - individuals or not) believe me or not
JT, I always shopped in Maple Shade local businesses even though I paid more money because I wanted to support the local business.Yes, I would pay more for goods made here and services provided by persons of any nationality who actually live here.
don't get me wrong , i am not saying i agree with what they are doing, merely pointing out that while you may spend more for what you get, the buying public will not and does not, ask any "Small town" USA downtown area, when Walmart moved in the same folks who shopped for years at Freds' record store could still shop there but most chose to go to Walmart and Fred had to close i don't agree, but I do see it is a fact of how biz is done today, esp by large corp that really have no central base, esp if they do as much overseas biz as they do domestic [email protected]
Basically, the way I see it, is the so called "emerging markets" are doing exactly that, they are emerging into a Western economy, wages will rise and they will build their own economy for many years until they have their fair share of the pie. When it slows down with India because wages have risen and they are becoming less competitive, then another country will be doing the same thing. This is the era we live in now.
bottom line whether we like it or not, technology is driving this issue in my view, you can call anywhere in the world for a couple quarters
Like another poster said, "There is a price to pay for every single convenice we enjoy, for everything we enjoy, someone else somewhere is paying the price". Its a separation of the upper and lower classes
excellent point and if one looks back into history it WAS WORST only a handful of folks had money, and there was not "Middle class"
Rosemarie said:
Seems people in India are being trained to speak a perfect General American Dialect and are acting as consumer reps for 800 numbers in the US. You never know, when you are calling such a line, whether you are speaking with a real American, or one trained to speak like one so she can do American jobs for much less.
Part of my job is answering phones for the business I work for. Last week I got a call to verify our information listing in the yellow pages of the phone book. The woman on the other end had a very thick Indian accent. I had to ask her 3 or 4 times to repeat what she was saying...and there were several beeps on the line as we were talking. If they do hire out....maybe they need to have better English classes first.
Mrs. Shakita
Good reasons to donate money to the Pakistan Nuclear Fund!!
If you send money to my PayPal account I promise to send it to them.
I brought this post back to the top and also started a new post of the topic. I Just watched Bill Moyer's, Now on PBS. I was wondering who else watched the program. It was dealing with the discrepancies between the lower class workers and the upper class executives. In the USA the difference is getting greater in the last 30 years. Executives in the USA take home pay is 475 times as much as factory floor workers pay. Compare this to other industrial countries like Canada where the differences is only 20 times as much or Britain at 22 times as much.
Sorry tt doesn't seem to be showing all my post. I am going to try and start a new post.