The reality of obesity

by Lady Lee 52 Replies latest jw friends

  • termite 35
    termite 35

    Although my weight is fine- I still spend an incredible amount of my day active as I can't bear to feel inactive- I don't like how it makes me feel.

    I remember reading that the human body is designed to move- constantly; and that our intake of foods is too much and too high in protein.

    Basically, it was said that exercise is the answer (running in particular-which helps me keep my spirits up too as it calms me and stops the depression completely)

    I sometimes lift weights-used to do them 4 times a week-the muscle has to burn fat to stay muscle-so that works- but my job is very physical-so i'd rather use my time running as it clears my head.A controlled study was done which showed that the seriously depressed improved incredibly when they started running.Id recomend it to anyone capeable- and most people are if they take it slowly to start with-just walking and breaking into a run-then slowing down again- building up the time sensibly.

    I cycle alot- 5 or so miles a day-mountain biking -pretty hard work- and have recently gone back to running as this is the most effective for me-I can eat what I like and loose weight if I run only 3-4 miles a day.

    So i'm a advocate of exercise rather than diet for weight stability.If you want to feel good and loose weight this way you can expect to loose 1-2 lbs a week if you run for 30 mins a day- which is all I do,,,

    And it makes you happier than dieting

  • Hamas

    Most guys like women to cum in all shapes and sizes.

    I would get board with simply one style.


  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Hamas your last post was inappropropriate not appreciated

    It is interesting to see the different routes people are taking to work on the issue for themselves. Clearly just not eating less does it for everyone.

    I rarely eat sweets. Don't have desserts in the house. The whole concept of cutting out the sweets is absurd for me. I have already done that. And I don't even miss it.

    Years ago I tried the Atkins diet. I was thin then and had hypoglycemia.

    I have looked at BMI (Body Mass Index) and am more comfortable using that scale than the usual height/weight thing.

    BTW My wrist measures 8 inches. Guess that puts me in the definitely large boned category.

    Weight is so much more than a number. We are complex beings and there are many reasons including medical issues (like menopause and thyroid and medications etc) that affect a persons weight.

    Discrimination is never OK.

    Learning to accept ourselves for who we are on the inside might be a much better way to deal with who we are on the outside

  • Princess

    I'm Mulan's daughter as most of you already know. I am 5' 7" and my body fat is in the teens. My wrist measures 6" btw. I guess I qualify as a "skeleton" as was mentioned above. However, I am posting to let you know that thin people get their feelings hurt by names such as this. If you find me unattractive because I'm thin, keep it to yourself.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    My apologies Princess. I should know better than to have made that remark. I spent the early years of my marriage being severly under-weight. I recall the nasty names and remarks on that end of the scale. I also have one daughter who has been very thin for most of her life. She eats whatever she wants and like me (of the past) never puts on a pound.

    That end isn't fun either and has its own health risks

  • Sara Annie
    Sara Annie

    I have so much to say on this subject that I am simply bursting at the seams. What I have to say will likely not be popular, but that doesn't make it any less valid. As a formerly morbidly obese person who bought into all the "it's not my fault" mentalities for years and finally took control of my weight and lifestyle, I have learned that the hardest thing that I, and most (yes most) of the obese people I know or have known, have had to do in an effort to shed excess pounds was to learn to be honest. Honest with myself about my habits, honest about the amount and types of food that I was putting in my mouth, honest about my activity level, honest about the reasons I did nothing about the reasons I allowed myself to become obese, and honest about the reasons I remained that way for so many years.

    Are there people out there who, through a genetic or metabolic abnormality simply cannot lose weight? Absolutely. Are they a significant percentage of those who are overweight/obese? No. Did I fit into that category of people? Nope. I, like the majority of those who are significantly overweight became so by a pretty simple formula: I ate too much, and moved too little. Does genetics hand some of us a raw deal? Of course. Do some people have a propensity toward carrying excess weight as a result? Yep. Do some of us have a problem with food and our use of it? Yes. Does that mean that we powerless to become thinner and healthier without radical surgery or restrictive temporary diets? Absolutely not. Is it an easy road to reprogram our habits and thoughts and lifestyle to achieve a thinner body and more active, healthy lifestyle? No, but can it be done? YES. And that is the what it all comes down to folks: Control. For most of us who are/have been overweight, our weight is absolutely within our control. And if we can control something, and choose not to through denial or misplaced blame, we can validly be judged accordingly. It's a tough pill to swallow, but if you want to get well you have to take your medicine like an adult. Taking responsibility for my weight was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do, but it was also one of the most important.

    It took me the better part of 30 years to figure out that I could lose weight, and I know that my denial of the problem boiled down to the fact that I simply wasn't ready to acknowledge it. No one can make a change until they are ready, and you will never hear me disparage anyone for not being ready. It took a long time, but I did face it, and I have kept a list along the way of hundreds of ways my life has improved as a result. Perhaps my favorite item on that list is this: "I am no longer seen as a woman who allowed herself to become morbidly obese--I am now seen as a woman who has taken control of her life and her health". I love being that woman.

    If I am to be judged, let it be by the things I can control. My weight, I finally realize, is one of those things.

  • Mulan

    For the record, Princess is not skinny. She is well rounded and muscular. Skinny is a whole different category in my book.

    dr phil says for 5''7' the range is 130-145-160 again the bone structrue small-avg, large. most people are in the small to avg , unless u have had your wrist measured an know for sure u are large bone. ( i am, wirst nearly 7 inches)to be sure measure your wrist. u may have to consult a diet book for the figures, i don't have them-i just know over 61/2 to 63/4 is large for a woman.

    I am small boned but if I weighed 130, I would be so scrawny and unnatractive. For me, 155-160 is really good. I am a size 10-12 then, which is just right for me. I am 58 and not trying to weigh what I did when I was 20.

    Because of my background in nutrition, I know what to do to make the weight come off. I need to limit carbs and totally eliminate sugar and desserts of all kinds. But it's so hard, and I literally shake. It's an addiction to be sure. When I do that, though, I know it makes my glycemic index right, and the weight will come off, because it has in the past. Blood sugars have to be stabilized or it just isn't going to happen (weight loss that is). The constant up and downs of eating sweets, even if they are within the WW point range, sabotage weight loss. Drinking alcohol affects it too.

    Having said that, I feel like such a failure. But I'm nice.

  • wednesday


    it is just as hard to gain weight as it is to lose weight. Really , if a person is naturally slender, and many people are, how great for u. Medically u are much better off.

    The weight charts Dr. phil uses are for those who are not naturally slender and have to try and get to a realistic weight they can maintain.

  • Mulan
    I'm Mulan's daughter as most of you already know. I am 5' 7" and my body fat is in the teens.

    I don't know where she came from. I am quite sure she came out of my body, and has the same ancestry I do.

    I had my body fat measured in August and I think it was 36. But I don't run everyday, and ride a bicycle hundreds of miles like she does either.

  • JH

    There is alot of hereditary in everything. I'm relatively slim like my father. I must have a very fast metabolism, cause I don't gain weight. Usually in the late 30's or early 40's it's normal to gain a few pounds, so I feel that I'm ok at 5' '7 3/4" 138 lbs just like Princess. I have a average/small bone structure.

    I'm happy the way I am.

    What I like also about myself is that I don't vary in weight. I can wear the same cloths for years if necessary.

    When I was 18 I weighed 130. So I gained 8 lbs in 25 years. Not too bad.

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