My mother and her reaction to me being "gay"

by logansrun 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • sens
    Since you're 27 yrs old, I'm surprised that she still "polices" your activities...???

    ummmmmm aint she a jw?

  • Valis

    *LOL* Bradley.....that is funny dude. My mom thought the same thing of me but for a bit of a different reason...My room mate is my long time friend, the godfather of my first child, and also a professor. I love living here and since we have different schedules AND lots in common it makes for a good living arrangment...*LOL* My mom thought because I lived with someone significantly older that I had to be gay...*LOL* The perfect heathen heterosexual demonized long haird tattooed hippie exJW freako child from hell....eheheh


    District Overbeer

  • Swickley
    The perfect heathen heterosexual demonized long haird tattooed hippie exJW freako child from hell....eheheh

    I love this description! Every JWs nightmare!

  • Aztec

    Wow Bradley! I can't imagine anyone thinking you're gay. Maybe your mom just hasn't seen the side of you some of the rest of us have...LOL! Sometimes our JW parents can surprise us with what they will and will not tolerate. My father can watch violent rated R movies but as soon as there is the slightest hint of sexuality he freaks! I too have alot of sympathy for homosexuals and how hard it must be. I saw how hard it was for my best friend to come out to everyone. He even waited until both of his parents died and he was in his mid forties before admitting it to anyone. He was surprised that noone had a problem with it, even my mother.

    Maybe you should've shown her your poem about the tongue..LOL!

    Sixy, Bradley is just an old soul and he needs all of help so he doesn't talk so funny. He's loosened up so much since I've known him, he even swears now! I'm so proud of him!


  • CruithneLaLuna

    I'm sorry to tell you and your mom, Brad, but fornication is fornication, regardless of which sex you're doing it with. The WT and the elders would indeed say the same thing. In fact, any activity that involves orgasm and another person, uh, physically assisting in producing it, is fornication by the Society's definition - or at least it was 25-30 years ago, when I was briefly intimately concerned about such hair-splitting, myself.

    The point is that whatever your mom would feel if you turned out to be to a homosexual fornicator, she should also feel about your being a heterosexual one; and conversely, whatever leeway and "understanding" she is willing to extend toward you relative to heterosexual activity should equally apply to homosexual activity (should there ever be any).

    Really, I do understand that the reason for your mom's inconsistency is actually what is commonly called "homophobia," although "phobia" means fear, and the emotions that tend to cluster around people's attitudes toward various forms of deviance from societal norms are not limited to, or accurately characterized, as simple fear.


  • ChrisVance
    This made me appreciate what a hard time GLBT folk have in the world. My mother could stand me rejecting her god but she would not tolerate me if I got off on men. There's just something wrong with that.

    Thank-you, most of my family is dyed in the wool jdubs. They shun me as if I don't exist unless they want something.


  • teenyuck

    GO CUBS!!!!!!

    Ok, that's out of my system, til tomorrow....

    Seeing how you shop, I see how she could think you are gay.....

    Just Kidding!!!!!

    OMG, I laughed so hard when I read your opening line!!! I am guessing your mother and mine are pretty much the same.....same area of Chicago, same ethnic background etc. Both homophobes....

    My mother would not visit my apartment once she realized that my boyfriend (now husband) visited and spent the night.....because we were fornicating!!!

    Considering that my sister got DFd for fornication, my dad got DFd for smoking and MY MOTHER got DFd for fornication, I have to say that her threat was nice. I did not have to clean roommate (female) and I could be slobs and not worry about my mother dropping by. (We were not, however, we could have been)

    Live there as long as you can to take advantage of the cheap rent. However, you need to get out. You will appreciate your freedom once you are away from the repressive presence of mummy....believe me, I understand.

  • logansrun


    I'm sorry to tell you and your mom, Brad, but fornication is fornication, regardless of which sex you're doing it with. The WT and the elders would indeed say the same thing.

    Of course I know that. That's why I called my mother's reaction strange.


  • logansrun

    ...on the other hand, from an evolutionary point of view my mother's reaction makes sense. There are deep drives within her to keep her genetic line going. My sister is still waiting for the big "A" to come so she isn't having any kids (and she's not getting any younger, either). Basically, I'm my mother's only hope to keep the family going. Being gay wouldn't exactly help matters from that point of view.


  • expatbrit


    Time to MOVE OUT you big poofter!

    Thank you for your consideration of my deeply thought out reply.

    Expatbrit ( stuff it Aztec I don't care if you're offended )

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