@ finishedmystery
None of that makes sense until you realize The king of the North attacks the actual physical Israel and not Jehovah’s Witnesses
by raymond frantz 37 Replies latest watchtower bible
@ finishedmystery
None of that makes sense until you realize The king of the North attacks the actual physical Israel and not Jehovah’s Witnesses
Yes the stones are literal.
I recommend the GB watch this video and repent of their eschatological speculations.
Apoc. of Abraham: And He said to me: “What is desired in thine heart I will tell thee, because thou hast sought to see the ten plagues which I have prepared for the heathen and have prepared beforehand at the passing over of the twelfth hour of the earth. Hear what I divulge to thee, so shall it come to pass: the first (is) pain of great distress; the second, conflagration of many cities; the third, destruction and pestilence of animals ; the fourth, hunger of the whole world and of its people9 ; the fifth by destruction among its rulers, destruction by earthquake and the sword; the sixth, multiplication of hail and snow; the seventh, the wild beasts will be their grave; the eighth, hunger and pestilence will alternate with their destruction; the ninth, punishment by the sword and flight in distress; the tenth, thunder and voices and destructive earthquake.
1 Enoch: 14.8 And the vision appeared to me as follows: Behold, clouds called me in the vision, and mist called me. And the path of the stars, and flashes of lightning, hastened me and drove me. And, in the vision, winds caused me to fly, and hastened me, and lifted me up into Heaven.14.9 And I proceeded until I came near a wall, which was made of hailstones, and a tongue of fire surrounded it, and it began to make me afraid.14.10 And I went into the tongue of fire, and came near to a large house, which was built of hailstones, and the wall of that house was like a mosaic of hailstones, and its floor was snow.14.11 Its roof was like the path of the stars, and flashes of lightning, and among them were fiery Cherubim, and their sky was like water.14.12 And there was a fire burning around its wall, and its door was ablaze with fire.
81: And I saw the four angels who have the power to bring the destruction of the world, and I saw the destruction of the great hail, which fell from the sky. And they took their stand at the gates of heaven, and they gave orders to the heavenly hosts to bring forth the winds of destruction."
2 Baruch: And the heavens shall be opened, and the mighty ones shall come forth from their dwelling places, and hail shall fall upon the earth, and the earth shall be filled with the sound of thunder and the voice of the great wrath."
Sib Oracles: And the heavens shall fall, and the mighty hail shall descend on the earth, and the sun shall be darkened.
Test. of Naphtali: I will call down upon them a storm of hail and will send down upon them a great fire."
Jubilees: And the Lord sent a great hailstorm upon the earth, and the children of Noah were afraid."
Unsurprising there was a recurring storm motif including the use of hailstones from heaven to destroy God's enemies among apocalyptic writers.
And contrary to Wt. hermeneutics none of the above fits well with their interpretation of WWI of autumn of 1914 to spring of 1918. Arguably it fits better right now in real time.
When WW3 breaks out, it will be the true time of the POD/horsemen.
This war will be the pretext for the nations giving their power to the UN, making it the 8th and final king. (The 8th king is the same as the KOTN.)
The 8th king coming to power and ruling as he will, serves as God's so-called hour of test/hour of judgment/judgment on the house of God. The whole world is God's house/field and people, wheat and weeds are all throughout. When this 'HOT' comes about there are only two outcomes:
1. People (weeds) who go along/support the 8th king, which would mean you are rejecting God (apostasy) and his kingdom. These are the people who will be killed off at Armageddon, after the 42 months.
2. People (wheat) who reject the 8th king, being willing to undergo the tribulation that that will bring upon them for doing so. These people are who will make up the GC and some among them will be who are chosen to rule with Jesus.
Those refusing to summit to the 8th king/refuse to take the MOTB, etc. are God's true people/temple who are trampled upon for the period during the 8th king rule. (42 months/GT) It does not matter right now of the many different false understandings/beliefs that are held right now among those who will prove to be wheat. All that matters is if you know now or by the time the 'HOT' comes that you are willing to choose #2. During that time of tribulation/captivity under the 8th king that all will be undergoing who are refusing him, all these will come to the same understandings/beliefs that need be.
All who chose #1 will know after the 42 months when they see Jesus coming that they are weeds and will be done away with.
The Watchtower's interpretation suggests these hailstones are symbolic of Jehovah’s Witnesses delivering a bold judgment message that could provoke global opposition. . . . The notion that Jehovah’s Witnesses, known for their passive ministry, could deliver such a provocative message seems implausible, raising questions about the alignment of this interpretation with scripture and reality.
It is SO obvious when even AI realizes JWs are an "implausible" f*cking joke.
The 10 plagues of Revelation, similar to the 10 plagues of Egypt, are literal. Specifically Rev. 16:19 is literal according to the context. One cannot view the first half of a passage as literal and the second half as symbolic. It's either literal or symbolic.
18 And lightnings and voices and thunders occurred, and a great earthquake occurred such as had not occurred since men came to be on the earth, so extensive an earthquake, so great.
19 And the great city split into three parts, and the cities of the nations fell; and Babylon the Great was remembered in the sight of God, to give her the cup of the wine of the anger of his wrath.
20 Also, every island fled, and mountains were not found.
21 And a great hail with every stone about the weight of a talent descended out of heaven upon the men, and the men blasphemed God due to the plague of hail, because the plague of it was unusually great. (Rev. 16:18-21 NW)
P.S. Perhaps they got the idea from Isaiah. He informs us that divine hail "will sweep away the refuge of lies," it being mentioned alongside justice and righteousness (Is. 28:17 ESV). Nothing to do with hail-like judgment messages directed at the nations.
Revelation is an adaptation of Daniel - basically Daniel for Christians.
By the time of Daniel’s writing, the events had already happened, as was Revelation. They were just a religious warning and history lesson for future generations.
The reason these texts were coded is because in both cases, they couldn’t outright point to the government, so they used beasts.
This would be similar to writing a religious text for distribution amongst Christians or Buddhist in China or North Korea today, you may want to use creatures like dragons, rabbits and tigers so a censor may not immediately catch on. Who will know 2000 years from now why Winnie the Pooh characters are used in surviving Chinese letters and digital chat/forum posts.
In the October 2019 WT p. 16, the WTS said "may" backing away leaving a gap to escape through: " During the great tribulation, the message that we proclaim will likely change. Currently, we are preaching the good news of the Kingdom and we are endeavoring to make disciples. But at that time, we may well deliver a message as hard-hitting as hailstones. (Rev. 16:21) We may proclaim the impending doom of Satan’s world. In time, we will find out exactly what our message will be and how we will deliver it. Will we use the same methods we have used for over a hundred years to accomplish our ministry? Or will we use some other methods? We will have to wait and see. In any case, it seems that we will have the privilege of boldly proclaiming Jehovah’s judgment message!"
2020 May WT p.15 "That symbolic hailstorm may take the form of a hard-hitting judgment message delivered by Jehovah’s people. It could be that this message provokes Gog of Magog into attacking God’s people with the intention of wiping them off the earth."
2023 June WT p.6 pp13 During the great tribulation, elders will need courage to obey instructions they will receive—regardless of the dangers involved. The instructions may relate to delivering a symbolic hailstone message and to surviving the attack of Gog of Magog.
""may,, could be,, likely,,it seems,,""
Dont put too much stock in what the Borg puts in the WT fear sessions
Its all right there in front of you. Its pure speculation.
Great job Blondie!!!! As always.
Damn, they gave themselves all the wiggle room, didn’t they? 😏