.....wiggle room. As always.....
Prepare to get Pelted by Symbolic Hailstones
by raymond frantz 37 Replies latest watchtower bible
Beth Sarim
Could be,, evidently,,,perhaps,, we don't know for sure, we can assume....
For the expetation: don't expect to much, we had a lot of conflict situations. Let's wait and see when the peace talks starts.
I wonder what the writer of the book of Revelation was smoking when he wrote this crap
Beth Sarim
Or probably edibles,, that went bad.
fedup - “I wonder what the writer of the book of Revelation was smoking when he wrote this crap…”
I don’t know about that, but it was written on the island of Patmos…
…which the Romans used as (among other things) an insane asylum.
Why is it that this David Schafer chap reminds me soooo much of a United States Marine Corps drill sergeant? Does anyone else see this? He sure isn't growing any facial hair!
Beth Sarim
I thought the same thing..
He strikes me as the kind of dude who would be yelling commands as a Sargent in the Marines Corps..
So straight laced,, extremely clean cut.....
What comes to mind is movies like A few Good Menn & Full Metal Jacket.
Good observation,, Careful .
Beth Sarim
Patmos an insane asylum????.
Thats why probably the book of Revelation is so ' nuts' !
Vidiot.... That makes sense