It may sound like I am suckholing simon here, but let me tell you...
His post was incredibly hateful toward someone who did personal harm to him. And it was not his first time.... like it was not just "an accident". It was intentional. It could cause Simon to have serious legal difficulties to say the least.... posting a persons face on this forum and making accusations, weather true or not is not cool. It's called slander.
I suffer from depression. I know. I can say some pretty horrible things too. Hammas needs to get help in order to save himself from himself... make sense? I warned him that he was self-destructing in his post, and he would get banned. He didn't care.
When you have someone calling moderators pricks, after many warnings it's time to go. Maybe he will be back, maybe not. I am not Hammas, and cannot say if he is truly sorry for putting Simon in legal jeopardy.
In any event, circumstances can be understood, but BLATANT DISREGARD for the rules causing serious legal difficulties cannot be tolerated. In other words, Simon bent over backwards for hammas and he did not get it. Hopefully he does now, and can see just how low he really is.
It is only until you have hit rock bottom that you realize that you need help. I commend Simon for not putting up with this nonsense anymore. Persons cannot be slandered, no matter how horrible they may or may not be.
Hammas, I wish that you would come back to the forum. However, you need to talk to Simon first. You need to really understand your anger and get help first. Depression cannot be a cop-out. If you were to hurt a certain someone, that defence would be thrown in the toilet.
Anyhoo, hopefully this is the end of it.