Okay, apparently we're all toast at Armageddon. Jehovah hates us all, and he's really going to have some fun killing us all. We're all going to pay for our apostate ways, whether we've grown a beard, or we've gone to a Marilyn Manson concert. We've abandoned our JW ways, and now Jehovah is pissed. How do you think Jehovah's going to destroy you at Armageddon?
How Will YOU Be Destroyed at Armageddon?
by Nosferatu 27 Replies latest jw friends
I'll get locked in a Kingdom Hall...
District Overbeer
Actually, there is a horrible place where there is eternal torment. HELL.
In hell, you will have to live forever with those self-rightcheous, overbearing, judgmental bastards for the rest of your exsistence!
That is hell to me. I kid you not..
well Nos you know ... I really think I'll be dead wayyyyyyyyy before the "stuff" you are talking about ... And I don't think "god" will resurected me just to kill me again ... just for me to aknowlegde that he does existe and is THAT EVIL !!! but if he does so ... That will an occasion for me spit on him and forget about his promised Eden which probably won't be that COOL !!! -
Personally, I'd like it if Jehovah gave my death the classic god touch; strike me with lightning, and just for an extra touch, have a hydro poll fall on me and crush my head.
And have a plane fall head first on your remains, in a fireball.
AND don't forget right before you die and Jehover forgets you, he shows you a pair o dice on earth and then with the Nelson Muntz "ha ha" ...its straight to the lake of fire with ya!
District Overbeer
If I am destroyed, hopefully it will be in the arms of this person:
Being officially dfd for apostacy, i would expect one of those 100 pound hailstones coming at me at about 1000 mph. Or if he really wanted to make me suffer, i guess a slow rot might be in order. All the dubs i ever antagonised could come by and laugh at me. Yah right, as if. Jehovah is lying in the dust at ugarit, where he was spawned.
A dozen angels will materialize as hot babes and screw me to death.