Do you have a an extra special Best friend?

by Lainey 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • Lainey

    A friend who you can turn to,

    when the chips are down,

    who is always there for you.

    who accepts who you are and what you are made from.

    What Kipling called the thousandth man.

    O NE man in a thousand, Solomon says,
    Will stick more close than a brother.
    And it?s worth while seeking him half your days
    If you find him before the other.
    Nine hundred and ninety-nine depend
    On what the world sees in you,
    But the Thousandth Man will stand your friend
    With the whole round world agin you.

    ?Tis neither promise nor prayer nor show
    Will settle the finding for ?ee.
    Nine hundred and ninety-nine of ?em go
    By your looks, or your acts, or your glory.
    But if he finds you and you find him,
    The rest of the world don?t matter;
    For the Thousandth Man will sink or swim
    With you in any water.

    You can use his purse with no more talk
    Than he uses yours for his spendings,
    And laugh and meet in your daily walk
    As though there had been no lendings.
    Nine hundred and ninety-nine of ?em call
    For silver and gold in their dealings;
    But the Thousandth Man he?s worth ?em all;
    Because you can show him your feelings.

    His wrong?s your wrong, and his right?s your right,
    In season or out of season.
    Stand up and back it in all men?s sight?
    With that for your only reason!
    Nine hundred and ninety-nine can?t bide
    The shame or mocking or laughter,
    But the Thousandth Man will stand by your side
    To the gallows-foot?and after!

    Well my thousandth man is my big bro Cassie

    A kind generous, and loving brother who has stuck with me through thick and thin.

    Yes I do take the piss out of him, and will of course continue to do so.

    But I do love him


  • franklin J
    franklin J


    it is very supportive that you each have one another to rely on.

    It is difficult to break away from this religion. Having a support network of friends and family helps!

    best of luck



  • blondie

    Though it sounds corny, it is my hubbie, Irreverent. There is nothing I won't share with him and I know I can depend on him.


  • franklin J
    franklin J

    to blondies comment: it is not corny at all. I am a husband and I sincerely hope my wife feels that way about me.


  • SheilaM

    Yes, he is Thunder and he is my best friend

  • arrowstar

    Yes I do. I'm very lucky.


  • Special K
    Special K

    Yes I do Lainey..

    My Husband is my extra special best friend..

    and someone else has stepped forward into view after shunning me for 10 years.

    I have a brother who is presently a prisoner in the J.W. ranks..His mind is now free and he knows adamantly that the religion is nothing but a farce..., but he is still being held prisoner by family members..

    We draw closer in our family bond, ..... However, all of our brotherly/sisterly love has to remain hidden from the view of 99.99 percent of our other family members and other Jehovahs Witnesses in order to keep him protected from family WRATH !!!

    And sometimes, damn it... it's just not fair.. what this religion does to families.


    Special K

  • Mulan

    Besides my husband and my kids, YES I have a very good friend, who is a JW, actually. She will come to my aid at a moment's notice and always has. I do the same for her. Our kids grew up together, and many on this board know one of her sons. He was camping with our gigantic group last summer. He is my second son's best friend.

    We have been best friends, through thick and thin, for over 30 years. When my brother's wife died in 1977, she made all the phone calls for me, to let everyone know, and they took care of everything at our house, even mowed our lawn, when we had to spend more than the usual time at my brother's home. When I had an emergency premature childbirth the day before school started in 1979, she took my kids to school on their first day, and made sure Rachel (Princess) was okay with her teacher, before she would leave her. She did my shopping and cleaned my house and took me to see my baby, several times, before we could bring him home. I took her to the hospital one morning in 1977, when she was having a miscarriage. When she was going through the worst of her rheumatoid arthritis in 1997, before the diagnosis, I dressed her and pulled on her socks and tied her shoes because she couldn't do it, and drove her to the hospital emergency room. (we were inactive then, but she called me to help her, not anyone from the KH)

    When she has a crisis and needs help, she calls me.

    She knows almost everything I know about the dubs and says I have told her just enough "to ruin my life". She calls me or comes over every day and claims she will never abandon me no matter what they do to me at the KH. Her husband told the elders to leave her alone about associating with me because, as he says, "Marilyn is closer to her than her own sisters, and I will do nothing to stop that friendship". And he hasn't either. He even resigned as an elder himself over that issue, because they wouldn't leave it alone.

    She is MAJORLY dysfunctional, but I love her anyway.

    She has 3 sons, and one is a Nazi Presiding Overseer. The other two are smarter, and left the thing.

  • Stacy Smith
    Stacy Smith

    I miss her. We spent almost the entire summer together but she's back at UCLA. We have known each other since 3rd grade. She stuck with me through my dub insanity and has always kept me centered. We try to IM each other daily but it doesn't always work out.

    She knows everything there is to know about me and has never betrayed my trust.

  • Xena

    Yes I do

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