Do you have a an extra special Best friend?

by Lainey 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • Lainey


    Yes. . and he goes by: StinkyDrawz (heheh)

    He sounds really really special LOL. L.

  • talesin


    My 'best friend' that I grew up with became and elder and was on the committee who decided to DA me.

    How horrible for you!!

    It's hard enough being judged and DAd, let alone by yr BF.

    My BF and pioneer partner from the 'truth' lives only blocks away, and she is 'afraid' to be discovered if we talk to each other since I am DF. We haven't talked in almost 10 years now, it's been 24 years since I actually 'saw' her, and she was my only close friend growing up. I feel sad for both of us, but especially her, because she is not free.


    here's a little joke:

    Why does it cost so much for a divorce??







    (sorry, off topic, just had to have a *smile*)

  • berylblue

    Tim. But he can't fill all my needs, nor should he have to. Sometimes I need to talk about "girl" stuff. He is, of course, more than willing to listen, but he just doesn't get it.

    I lost my "friends" when the WTS disfellowshipped me.


  • Lainey


    My 'best friend' that I grew up with became and elder and was on the committee who decided to DA me.

    Thats sucks Big time.

    Could he look you in the eyes, when he was talking to you.


  • rocketman


    I have friends I do stuff with, but no one I turn to in time of need.

  • teejay

    I was thinking about this just yesterday.

    A *best* friend? Well... outside of family members there are four or five people that have known me very very well for more than twenty years who I consider true friends, but a *best* one among them? Nah. At any given time of year I may spend more time with one than the other, but I love them all the same.

    I guess I stopped having "best" friends in junior high.

    p.s. Do online friends count? Over the years (and recently), I've made connections with a handful of people online that have been and remain quite strong. The only thing that I feel is different between them and r/l friends is that we've never actually met face to face.

  • frenchbabyface

    Yes ... MY 21 years old and unic SON ... Since ever now and forever !!!

  • Lainey

    That is so sweet Frenchie

    MY 21 years old and unic SON

    You are so lucky to have such a nice relationship with him


  • frenchbabyface
    Lainey : You are so lucky to have such a nice relationship with him

    Oooooh YES ... but you might get one like this one, then Cas will only look like a pain in the a ... (just kidding of course)

  • Special K
    Special K

    That is OUTRAGEOUS.. to you SIMON..

    You'd think that a group of elders in a congregation would have had the decency to not have your BEST FRIEND on that Committee.

    It was a conflict of interest for him... (and I would have felt like somebody kicked in the teeth)

    I do remember reading a post where you said you went out "Both guns blazing"..or something to that affect. I'd like to have seen that..sort of a RAMBO type exit. EMPOWERING to me to hear..

    I'd be farfetched not to say.. They did that (having your best friend on that committee) on purpose to hurt you. SCOUNDRELS!!!

    I not sure but, I think I had a fleshly brother RAT me out before I was Disfellowshipped..Everything pointed to that direction anyway.

    OH WELL.. that's the way this cult operates isn't it.. Turns family against one another if it can..

    Teach families to eat their own if need be


    Special K

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