Do you have a an extra special Best friend?

by Lainey 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • iiz2cool

    I have a few, and they're ALL here!!!


  • caspian

    Ahhh my little Sis

    Thank you for saying something sweet, for once.

    It is so nice to see you with a big grin on your chops for once.

    Can I also thank everyone for giving Lainey such a warm welcome to the board..cheers

    Can I also pass on my deepest, love and concerns to my own Best Friend M, whose wife is in hospital after a serious car crash on Tuesday Night. I hope she recovers quickly.

    Praying for you both at this time,


    (to everyone else . M just lurks here and has not registered as a user.)

  • Vivamus

    Awww, aren't you two sweet

    I can't ever trust a person 100%, something can always happen that will make that friendship, love or whatever vanish, damage, your trust and faith in them broken... Well, my mum maybe, I trust my mum 100%


    Blue Bubblegum Girl

  • talesin

    actually, I have a few - all my friends rank in the 'best' range

    but .. I am not lucky enough to have a brother among them


    (btw, cas - cheez-us, now your BF is in a car accident, does the heartache ever end?

    You and Lainie have a big hug from me, kay? xo big sis)

    ps. to Lainie, love Kipling 'If' is one of my fav poems of all time

  • caspian


    (btw, cas - cheez-us, now your BF is in a car accident, does the heartache ever end?

    I feel like a Jonah. everything around me ends in disaster at the moment.


  • Simon

    I have my little bro. but all the 'best friends' I had turned out to be nothing of the sort. My 'best friend' that I grew up with became and elder and was on the committee who decided to DA me.

  • Debz

    I came to Australia from UK when I was 14 - my bestest friend then was my school friend Jane who I found out still is still my best friend....and how? Well when I went to Uk in 2001 I tracked her down and `rocked` up to the door and after a few cups of tea and talk of our lives - it was as if we had`nt even been gone - EVEN AFTER 27 YEARS!!!!!!! Now we keep in contact on the net every day..........

  • blaid

    chris friend since our parents met while they were all still dubs, his mom and my mom were pregnant at the same time.

  • StinkyPantz

    Yes. . and he goes by: StinkyDrawz (heheh)

  • blaid

    hahahahanice one SP

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