I have a few, and they're ALL here!!!
by Lainey 35 Replies latest jw friends
I have a few, and they're ALL here!!!
Ahhh my little Sis
Thank you for saying something sweet, for once.
It is so nice to see you with a big grin on your chops for once.
Can I also thank everyone for giving Lainey such a warm welcome to the board..cheers
Can I also pass on my deepest, love and concerns to my own Best Friend M, whose wife is in hospital after a serious car crash on Tuesday Night. I hope she recovers quickly.
Praying for you both at this time,
(to everyone else . M just lurks here and has not registered as a user.)
Awww, aren't you two sweet
I can't ever trust a person 100%, something can always happen that will make that friendship, love or whatever vanish, damage, your trust and faith in them broken... Well, my mum maybe, I trust my mum 100%
Blue Bubblegum Girl
actually, I have a few - all my friends rank in the 'best' range
but .. I am not lucky enough to have a brother among them
(btw, cas - cheez-us, now your BF is in a car accident, does the heartache ever end?
You and Lainie have a big hug from me, kay? xo big sis)
ps. to Lainie, love Kipling 'If' is one of my fav poems of all time
(btw, cas - cheez-us, now your BF is in a car accident, does the heartache ever end?
I feel like a Jonah. everything around me ends in disaster at the moment.
I have my little bro. but all the 'best friends' I had turned out to be nothing of the sort. My 'best friend' that I grew up with became and elder and was on the committee who decided to DA me.
I came to Australia from UK when I was 14 - my bestest friend then was my school friend Jane who I found out still is still my best friend....and how? Well when I went to Uk in 2001 I tracked her down and `rocked` up to the door and after a few cups of tea and talk of our lives - it was as if we had`nt even been gone - EVEN AFTER 27 YEARS!!!!!!! Now we keep in contact on the net every day..........
chris robinson....best friend since our parents met while they were all still dubs, his mom and my mom were pregnant at the same time.
Yes. . and he goes by: StinkyDrawz (heheh)
hahahahanice one SP