How crazy and daring were you?

by Guest 77 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    Viv's post, 'Giggling in dark hallways' prompted me to ask this ?, 'What are some of the craziest and and daring actions you pulled off as a JW?'

    Guest 77

  • shamus

    Well, having no life.... as I did, and all of us did...

    We drove around one day with a package of sausages. You see, I hate them... and I got a package from my mom. Well, we didn't know what to do with them, so, we drove on White Avenue in Edmonton, drove by people, and screamed

    "SAUSAGES!" and threw a single sausage at their feet. We did this forever...

    We also put one sausage on a winshield wiper of my fav' elders mini-van....

    We threw my engine head off the high-level bridge in -35 degree weather... and a bowling ball...

    We were stupid, but what the hell else do you do when you're young?

    Oh, and we used to see bad movies and heckle them... like Wayne's World 2. We were in the audience yelling, "This movie is really funny, NOT!"... The theatre patrons were not amused.

  • greven

    I will tell you guys one thing I did with a (then) witness friend of mine.

    I was invited to go on a camping trip with him and his parents to France. Beautiful weather took us to the coast where we visited some WW2 bunkers. Now his parents allowed us to roam freely and we agreed to meet later that day and go back to the camping together. We went and bought firecrackers at the tourist stalls to use later back at the camping. There were several sizes availlable, we bought some medium sized ones and two packs with crackers the size of dynamite sticks. Thick, large and red was hard to resist especially since fireworks are not available in the Netherlands except at newyear's eve.

    We were browsing around the bunkers when our attention was drawn by a German tourist that was 'entertaining' his kids by making machinegun and bomb sounds. It started to annoy the hell out of us hearng constantly "rattatatatata!" "piiiiiiiiiewwww BANG!" "ARRRGGG!" and such battle sounds. We saw them enter a particular dark bunker that was partly flooded so you had to walk on a narrow plank. As soon as the guy was in he started the noises again entertained by the echos it gave. He and his kids were struggling to maintain balance on the plank in the dark. This instant we both looked at eachother with a huge, evil grin on our faces. We moved up outside the bunker to reach the gap through which in times past the soldiers would shoot from. I take my lighter and light the biggest stick I had and threw it in....

    "piiiiiiieeeewww" "ratatatatata" "piewww - WHAMMM!!! AAAAAAHHHH!!! SPLASH!!!!! SPLASH!!!!! SPLASH!!!!!

    We were laughing our butts off, and this naturally made the German conclude we were the guilty ones. He persued us in a raving frenzy but finally we lost him by hiding in the parking lot. We were relieved when my friends parents came and we returned to the camping site. HOWEVER, when we took a shower later that night and returned dripping wet and laughing still about the incident we met our new neighbours. We had already seen their trailer but had not met them yet. Guess who it was.....

    Yep Jawohl! The German.


  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    Thanks Shamus and Greven. What's with these saugages Sham? Greven, what was your reaction when you saw the German? Did he share his experience?

    I guess I should have also asked, what outrageous actions did you ever pull off in the presence of others?

    Guest 77

  • greven
    Greven, what was your reaction when you saw the German? Did he share his experience?

    Our reaction was to run away and a good one at that because the guy recognized us immediately and started a screaming, mouthfoaming persuit. Waking all the other campers. We lost him in the night. He obviously didn't know our trailer was next to his. We left early that nex morning so we were not confronted with him again. Phew!


  • scumrat

    When we were teenagers, my friends and I would roam the neighborhood at night, pick up dog poop and stuff it underneath car door handles. Would have loved to see the looks on their faces when they went to get in their car the next morning.

  • nilfun

    "How crazy and daring were you?" "Were"??? Alas and alack, I feel like such a has-been.

    -nilfun, of the "I'll get back to you after I check the statute of limitations" class

  • czarofmischief

    I had a Harley Davidson meeting bag. I thought that was the cutting edge, really. Got lots of bad looks.

    Now I just feel like a dork about it.


  • nilfun

    I can just imagine you pioneer walkin' to the "b-b-b-bad to the bone" theme. heh.

  • Naebliss

    Well this wasn't very crazy, OR daring, but my long hair went over like a sack of dead babies at my hall.

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