I stopped the tape playing at the end of the first verse once in the meeting to see what would happen. Actually. I'm normally quite sensible, I don't know what got into me!!!
How crazy and daring were you?
by Guest 77 23 Replies latest jw friends
Very.... most of my life. Oh, the stories....
Guest 77
SS, did you get disciplined for your sex crimes?
Animal, how about sharing one or two juicy ones.
Everyone, thanks for your comments.
Guest 77
The craziest thing I did wile a dub ....... hmmm well I guess it would be doing 120mph on my 6 cylinder motorcycle ... in front of an elder. ... thats what a 110 bhp bike will do to you . I was talked to about being a good role model fer the youngsters ( even tho I was a young one myself ).
Had to sell her 2 months later...... :(