I was naughty when I was 14. My best friend from the KH and I met up some worldy people and went trick o' treating on Halloween in my neighborhood. We'd snuck out...and I heard my mom driving through the neighborhood calling my name!! LOL, and we hid in the bushes. Eventually I had to go back home and felt so guilty about celebrating this evil/satanic/pagan holiday, I read the bible that night and praying for forgivness.
How crazy and daring were you?
by Guest 77 23 Replies latest jw friends
A sack of dead babies!
You have a way with words, mate.
franklin J
This is true: when I was a pioneer , I wore a double breasted suit to a sunday meeting. The suit jacket had military buttons on it ( a brass button with an eagle) and I was spoken to by an Elder ( my father was also an elder) that this was not acceptable, and I should think about changing the buttons. At the time I was living at home, and my mother, despite being a zealous, theocratic witness, realized that the charge of replacing the buttons would fall to her; went directly to overseer. She reasoned with him that these were just "buttons" and an eagle was one of Jehovahs creation. Needless to say, her feminine logic and common sense won out.
In hingsight, this is just hilarious! you really cannot make this stuff up!
I had oral sex with a girl in my bedroom when I was 17. My JW mother was out of town and my father was working nights. That's daring for a JW anyway.
Then there were times I sneaked booze to field day and a class picnic. Me and a friend of mine were completely hammered from drinking Canadian Club. The teacher suspected booze at the picnic, but he let it slide.
...but the nastiest thing I did was at school. I had aquired the loser kid's locker combination. So, me and another worldly friend were discussing exactly what we were going to do to this loser kid. He came up with the idea of taping the nozzle down on a can of fart spray and throwing it in his locker. I declined because my locker was 2 doors away. I came up with a better idea.
Back at home, my mother was going through my dad's old clothes and throwing them out. I found a nice, old, ragged, shitstained pair of underwear. I grabbed them and threw them in my schoolbag. At lunch time, I teamed up with my buddy, opened loser kid's locker, unzipped his binder, and tucked the pair of nasty underwear in the front pocket. I zipped it back up, and closed his locker.
At the end of the day, loser kid comes to his locker with his face beet-red. I was a bit nervous because I was never a troublemaker in high school. However, I wished that I had the same classes he did just to see the look on his face. The next day me and my buddy (who also was never in trouble) got called into the office. The vice principal was saying "I never thought I'd have either of you in my office!" She had no proof that we did it, so she just looked at us and asked "Did you do it?" We responded with NO and were free to go.
My best friend and I were both raised in the *ahem* Truth, but by our mid-teens we were a little on the wordly side. We went to this really lame bridal shower/slumber party. The highlight of the evening was a rousing game of Bible Win Lose or Draw. My friend and couldn't take it anymore, so we went for supplies and shoe-polished all the girls' cars and TP'd everything in sight. Then we blew up a bunch of condoms and tied them all over the porch. We thought this was really funny, but we were the only ones. Everyone else was completely scandalized. Condoms! Oh, the horror! Some girls were actually in tears. We sure had more fun commando crawling around in the yard than we would have inside practicing our presentations. (Yes, that's right, after those sanctimonious virgins cleaned up the yard, they got dressed and went in service. Not me, I went home to get some sleep.) The situation escalated into a huge congregation uproar. My best friend was a bridesmaid and I was supposed to sit at the guestbook, but we were quickly relieved of our duties when the elders told the couple they couldn't get married in the KH if we were in the ceremony. All that fuss over some funny balloons! Needless to say, we didn't go the wedding.
Welcome Jezzybelle.
I once spent the night at the beach with some friends, after everyone else went to sleep, another girl and myself went skinny dipping. It was extremely dark, as there were no lights anywhere near, all the lanterns had been turned off, we could barely see each other by the moonlight. After swimming for a while, we came back to shore, but couldn't find our own camp. As it happened, the current had moved us down the beach a few hundred yards while we swam. We found our way back eventually before anyone saw us (at least, I don't think anyone saw us).
I was the youngest son of a pompous elder so I kinda grew up as the golden child (well.....I kept my reputation clean because I was good at not getting caught) I once got a can of something like mace that makes you cough and gag. I tried it out on my brother first......He took it well. Then I took it to school and sprayed it under the door of the equipment room in the gym just before the coach came to open it up. He started gagging and choking and came out of the room. Then he went back in twice looking for a gas leak. I practially busted my gut trying to hold in the laughter til he went to report the leak to the office.
Stacy Smith
What didn't I do. I suppose the worse by hova standards is the sex thing. With dub boys and dub girls. That good enough?
I was pretty crazy and daring before I was a JW. After I became I JW I was a very boring person. I just went to meetings and out in service. My Friday nights were the highlight of my week because I could study the AID book, and later the Insight books. I declined invitations to parties, as I knew they would interfere with my ability to offer insightful comments at the Watchtower study on Sunday. Is anyone puking yet?
I eventually started getting more meaning in my life, and I started going to strip clubs with an MS buddy of mine. I have to admit, my enthusiasm for the Watchtower study began to suffer a decline after that.
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