How does one keep track of the old light and new light when the WTBTS does so many flip-flops? So what is the current version again? I think the only thing this old article shows is the consistency of the WTBTS toward women as victims and keeping them truly in the dark about what will happen to them in a JC.
(The following spoof is presented tongue-in-cheek to mimic the sheer stupidity of the WTBTS and it's terrible attitude toward women over the decades.)
If a woman doesn't scream when she's raped, then she should be DFed.
Nope! We got new light. If you think you're going to be killed, better to keep quiet.
Oh, look! The light just got brighter. What were you wearing? Ooooh! Really! And what kind of panties. Aaahhhh! Mmmm! That makes us horny just hearing about it. We think that means you really wanted it. You're DFed!
Reason with your rapist from the scriptures and try and start a Bible study with him. If this doesn't work and he has a gun or a knife and threatens to kill you, then it is a conscience matter whether you scream or not.
Hey, didn't we tell you that women should scream and fight? If you don't, it's pornea and you will be DFed!
If you are in physical danger and will further enrage your attacker by screaming, it is alright to avoid screaming during a rape.
The world's leading experts in rape tell us that you shouldn't fight a rapist, but according to an ancient Bible law in hmmnnmm chapter hmmnmmm and verse hmmnmnnmn, if you don't scream you are just a dirty whore and we are going to throw the book at you!