Adoption by Jehovah's Witnesses is blocked

by expatbrit 72 Replies latest jw friends

  • Agape

    Why is it that you take such offense to the claim that the JW religion is a cult? They say the same of us evangelical and Catholic christians. Nothing personal.

    What makes for a cult? Certainly control. You are forbidden to "think independently" (mind control); you are perscribed what medical treatment you can have (body control); and rank-and-file witnesses are taught that without a good-standing with the Organization they cannot have eternal life (spiritual control).

    Another "quality" of this cult would be its dishonesty. It can get away with flip-flops on any given issue, without so much as dealing with the consequences. (This reminds me of how you deal with issues.) If, for instance, a person who accepted, say, a cornea (sp?) transplant at the time transplantation was deemed by the Organization to be "canibalism" would have been subjected to that painful process that you seem to ignor....disfellowshipping.

    That same person would not so much as receive an apology when the Org. changed their minds and allowed transplants. Sad, too, are the folks that did OBEY the Org., thinking that they were OBEYING God, and refused the transplant and went blind. Kenyata...just because all you know is what you've seen does not make informed.

    This is more than just my "opinion". You are every bit as duped as your mother, except that she perhaps is living the life she thinks is correct. Getting a rise out of you is my goal here. Out of that emotion you might "THINK", rather than parrot the Witness crooked line of reason.

    "Disgusting and degrading" remarks about JWs? Not quite. The focus must be on the leadership that enslaves its victims, not the victims themselves. Hitler was both disgusting and degrading, and any comments about the JW religion is likewise a horrible thing to have to say. Does that mean I should not say anything. That would be worse, would it not?

    I'm sure some German folks were offended by calling their beloved leader nasty but accurate names, such as "Murderer." All cults are the same in that sense.


  • Grunt

    Sadly, witnesses adopting children does not really reflect love in many cases. Nor is their primary reason always the chance to convert someone to the "truth." In Florida at least, they are paid to adopt certain categories of children, and by adopting they have a better chance of keeping the child as opposed to just being paid foster parents. The pay is the same as adoptive parents and they have much more control. Still, I would never allow my child in a kingdom hall if I had it to do again. I stopped going but allowed my child to spend time with relatives who were witnesses. If I had stayed in California, and never allowed my child to associate wtih witness relatives, I would still have a daughter. Tough choice, keep your child away from your extended family to protect your immediate family. Sad. Typical of witnesses with whom no relationship can be taken for granted but very, very sad. Even sadder when you lose a child as I have, to this cult. Nothing "deeper" just told that I was threatening her faith. What a fragile faith they have.

    To me, Waiting's answer gives the defining proof (as it so often does) of why witnesses should NOT be allowed to adopt. How much clearer do you want it? As for JW views on shunning, well, it is all documented, if you really want to see the writing say so. What would impress me more if I were you are all the good people taking time to talk to you about their own experiences, family they have lost. You are able to talk here because of that experience if I am not mistaken, Simon's family turned on him if I remember correctly.
    "Experience is a hard school, but a fool will have no other." Heed that adage and learn in an easier school. Jehovah's witesses are a cult, a foul cult, and as my brother says, they have gone through my family like a plague.

  • waiting

    Hey Grunt,

    You know, I've known of the incidents of both of the foster parents for years - while a jw. I never seriously questioned the actions of turning a child away just because they wouldn't go to religious meetings. I felt bad for the girls - both were willing to go to other strangers' houses instead of going to the KH. They had seemed happy (or at least content) at the jw foster homes.

    Both families are good familes, imho. Just jw hard-nosed. Better to lose a child (not of your blood) than to lose your own child by "bad association to a worldly child."

    I've read about your family before - and I feel for your emptiness. Thankfully, my kids exited before me and my husband. My best to you and your wife.

    It's almost impossible to understand the power of "keeping clean from the world" unless you've been a jw. A lot, if not most, jw's will do whatever necessary to "keep clean" in the definition taught by The Society.

    Thanks for giving insight into the laws and reasons of adoption and foster care. I was never inclined to take on more kids (I'm not that motherly) than my own. But I have great respect for those couples who do and really take care of the kids who need it.


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