It is true that Jehovah's Witnesses have their own language. An "outsider" might not have a clue to what certain words might mean. For example, "the truth"-----if a person heard that expression, they would never have connected it to only the JW religion.....Can you think of language that is exclusive to "Watchtower" world???
by minimus 34 Replies latest jw friends
Pick your favorite(s) from this site.
- truth, Truth
- That which is actually so; it is never at odds with itself. When spelled with a capital (in mid-sentence), it refers to the full body of revealed Truth about God and his purposes as explained in his Word, and taught by his {organization}. The practice of consistently spelling it with a capital when referring to the Truth in the sense defined here may be my own, and is modeled after Acts 9:2 and other verses that show the early disciples used the phrase ``The Way'' to refer to true Christianity. (Note that The is capitalized, as it appears all three times in NW.
NOTE: The scriptural and divinely inspired name for the true worshipers of Jehovah, {Jehovah's Witnesses}, is a recent acquisition, seen in retrospect to have been given to satisfy a need to be distinct from other groups who likewise profess to be Christian. Thus when outsiders ask us what our religion is, we quickly reply: ``We're Jehovah's Witnesses!'' Under such circumstances it would not be adequate to say: ``We are Christians.'' A Roman Catholic or Baptist might give the same reply. Nor would it be meaningful to say: ``I'm in the Truth.'' However, inside the organization, among one another, we refer to our religion as ``the Truth'', because that is what it is. <<How long have you been in the Truth?>>
That glossary is the best! Here's a few others that are strictly JW words.....RV (return visit), SAD (special assembly day), PO (presiding overseer), CO (circuit overseer), DO (district overseer), GB (governing body)
The new system. Do they mean the metric system?
JH---That's funny! ....New world, new order, new system, new earth......everything's "new".
We've seen threads like this before . How about opposers or apostates .
The Watchtower sounds very conspiratorial when they talk about "THE opposers, THE apostates".....We better watch out for them. We never know where they might be.
Searching the website blondie put up, oh gosh I needed a diversion today like I needed the rain here!
- apostate, apostasy
- One who has rebelled against and abandoned the {true worship} of Jehovah. Sometimes apostates actively oppose true worship and attempt to influence others to do the same. <<Some apostates were trying to hand out leaflets at our {convention} last week.>> An act or particular case of apostate behavior is called apostasy. (2Th 2:3)
NOTE: Apostates are persons who were once among us, walking in the Truth, not merely outsiders who oppose it. They usually know our beliefs, terminology, and organizational ways quite well.
Apostates tend to seek out unwary Witnesses and engage them in dialogue. Often they were once fine people with an extensive {Truth} background. But they tend to be proud of their independent intellectual accomplishments. <<Based on several years of deep research, careful study, and profound meditation I have concluded blah blah blah ...>> They will claim support for their ideas from others who are supposedly pillars in the Truth. <<I know numerous people, including elders, who agree with me that blah blah blah ...>> They will flatter the listener while speaking condescendingly of Witnesses in general. <<I realize that most Witnesses wouldn't understand; but I realize that you are by no means average, but are truly open-minded.>> The speaker condescendingly suggests that most Witnesses are simple, unpretentious, and unsophisticated, but is implying that for the most part we are a bunch of dopes.
Willing association with true apostates, whether in person, by reading their literature, or engaging in electronic debate across the Internet, is itself apostate behavior, and therefore potentially a {disfellowshipping offense}, in addition to being extremely dangerous and outright stupid. It should be avoided entirely.
My all time favorite (so far) is COW:
- AMOOFL for ``circuit overseer's wife''. :-) <<I hope any COWs reading this Glossary have a good sense of humor. [60] >> Don't even think about what a {service overseer's} wife could be called.
- [60] If they are really sheep, they will not be offended. I didn't make this one up myself. Honest!
Who knew this info? I've never heard that one before........LMAO
franklin J
when I was a child and first started to be taken out in "the field service" ( thats a good one) , we would meet at a designated "contact point" . This term was later thought to sound "conspiratorial" and the euphimism was changed to the "rendevous for field service" ( like this sounded any less "conspiratorial" to any outsiders). At the time of my "disassociating" myself in or about 1980, I believe the term had been "meeting for field service". Do people still make "back calls"? as in "return visit". Is there still a "written review" at the ministry school on thursday nites?
I now prefer to think of the term "pioneer" as an American term for a settler from the colonial era. My actual experience with that word in my late teen years and early 20s was, in retrospect, a lot of door to door distaste.
regards, all
no more back-calls or written reviews and for some posters still stuck in the 60's, the Society doesn't charge for the magazines.